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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. I think I read that back in the hippie days, they had that kind of situation, expelled from Laos and Thailand wouldn't take them back. Stuck in no man's land, it became an issue that had to be resolved through diplomatic channels.


    Ultimately if both countries deny you entry at a land border crossing, you probably need to call your embassy to sort the mess out. Or you slap an immigration officer really hard, that should get you arrested in that country. ????

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  2. "He said that the industry would have to wait and see if there were third and fourth quarter improvements that would keep the country on track for the target of 40.06 million tourists this year."


    Ever the optimist! The economic outlook is rather bleak in many if not most countries, worldwide, so I'd say it's likely that things will get even worse before they will get better.


    Add to this that Thailand has been doing a great job p-ssing off some of its most loyal repeat visitors in favor of attracting hordes of first time visitors. Guess what, in case of a downturn they are much more likely to stay away.

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  3. Their goal seems to be to "encourage" people to get an extension instead of coming back to bother them for a 2nd Non-OA visa in a row. Too much work for them?


    I'm unusually sympathetic to their implied view that someone who has trialed living in Thailand for 1-2 years and decides to continue to do so can be expected to move some funds to Thailand / to use Thai banks. I've seen many rules or expectations that are more idiotic in comparison.

  4. 4 hours ago, onera1961 said:

    I think TE is desgined for people who travel frequently to Thailand for short visits.

    I think that might well have been a valid argument for its original version, which gives you unlimited and (hopefully) hassle-free stays of 90 days each. With the current version that gets you stamped in for a whole year a time, I think that argument no longer makes sense.


    I'd say it's designed for people who don't want to be bothered with immigration matters, no matter how long they want to stay on any given visit, and are willing to pay for that privilege.


    Unfortunately, the muppets that run Thai Elite and immigration have recently done their very best (reports of TM30 fines, then that despicable letter members get to "encourage" them to renew) to undermine that sense of being a privileged/valued visitor. I'd expect some fallout from this.

  5. 2 hours ago, lovesthespicy said:

    Is there anywhere left that will give you a TV if you've got a bunch in your passport? I picked up the dreaded blue stamp on my last one Sav.

    It's the dreaded blue stamp even more so than your history that will prevent you from getting a new SETV at a nearby consulate. Getting a new passport is probably your only option at this point.

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