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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. 7 hours ago, Stephen Zevon said:

    Even made me drive back across town to show him my ticket out of Vietnam.

    In fairness, they do list the ticket to Thailand as one of the requirements on their website. They're not known to compromise on their published requirements, but on the other hand, if you give them what they ask for, it's a relatively easy place to get a visa even with quite some history. I was happy with them last month.




  2. OP, I wouldn't bother to get a tourist visa in your case, for your next stay of 28 days.


    Have your return flight booked before you enter Thailand, make sure to fill in the departure part of the arrival card accordingly and have the confirmation ready in case they question you again (I'd say it's unlikely, based on your history). Also have a hotel booking and the required "pocket money" in cash.

    • Like 1
  3. If she hadn't mentioned her Thai bank account at all and had only shown a bank statement from her home country right away, she would have avoided the extra scrutiny in all likelihood.


    I've never shown or mentioned my Thai bank accounts when applying for a visa - I'm not surprised that a Thai consular officer cannot fathom why a tourist and prospective volunteer would have one.

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  4. On 10/24/2019 at 2:02 PM, thecyclist said:

    I would advise against using Thai debit cards in Vietnam:while the official fees are acceptable, the hidden charges in the form of currency conversion rates amounted to  a 7 % loss (compared to cash conversion at money changer), that at least was the case with my Krungthai debit card.

    My latest withdrawal at a Sacombank ATM in HCMC early October cost me 4,215.22 THB for 3,000,000 VND, using my Kasikorn debit card (all in). That's about 3% more than I would have paid exchanging cash at SuperRich on the same day. Not brilliant, but not anywhere near 7% either - so for those who use several Thai banks, it would be a good idea to check which card works out the cheapest.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, MarkyM3 said:

    OK thanks - I will withdraw that bit. I was sure I had read this on the forum recently from other posters attempting to get METVs from London when the system went electronic. 

    What's no longer available in London since they moved to that atrocious online system is the multiple entry Non-O visa.


    The METV is still available, but yes, they're stricter than other places as far as the requirements are concerned.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, nakluapattaya said:

    So entering once a year with a SETV from my country + 30 extension before going to Laos for a second SETV, and stay six months a year would still be possible right?

    Not necessarily. If you enter on a SETV from your home country and extend it, the consulate in Savannakhet - as of now - will not issue another SETV because you've already spent 3 out of the last 6 months in Thailand. In Vientiane, it's less clear and might depend on how much "history" is visible in your passport. You might also be subjected to an interview.

  7. 1 hour ago, SpanishExpat said:

    But indeed they are!! Try to charge your BTS Rabbit Card in BKK as a westerner. No Chance without a passport. Try this with an Asian look..they won`t even ask you and recharge your card. Tried it myself to test it, got denied..gave the card to a Taiwanese friend, went to another counter and she got what she wanted.

    If you had walked to another counter, you might have succeeded as well. And I'm saying this, as a white guy, based on my very own experience. As with most other things in Thailand, there simply isn't any consistency.

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