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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. I hate driving in Thailand, especially a motorcycle. You can a defensive driver and still get hit.....
  2. Take it to your local Nissan dealership, they'll figure it out....
  3. "Chiang Mai's Air Pollution Remains of Concern", not only Chiang Mai, try the whole of Thailand....
  4. Unfortunately, it sounds like "Suicidal Ideation" came to fruition. RIP young lad......
  5. It will be like the Land of the Giants.......
  6. Lucky he went to a hospital, a lot people will just ignore it thinking it'll pass until it's too late...
  7. LOL! Easy come, easy go....but now, he's going straight to jail!
  8. With the lack of strict construction laws and enforcement thereof, there's a lot of these types of accident you won't see as much in industrialized countries....
  9. You're looking at the busiest time of the season. Supply and demand......
  10. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.....
  11. Yup, I purchased a Tesla and I regret it. Next car I purchase will be a hybrid......
  12. Unfortunately, I have gotten used to all the things that can go wrong in Thailand. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong......
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