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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Check out the restaurants in the shopping centers like Terminal 21 or Paragon. There's also some descent middle of the road restaurants in Siam Square.....
  2. Trump must have foot fetish. He can't stop putting his foot in his mouth🦶👄....
  3. RIP Mr. Van Welden .....
  4. Hell hath come upon us.....
  5. The vendors are lucky they only got warnings....
  6. You know it's getting way too hot if the heat discourages people from going to the beach....
  7. God bless them all.....
  8. Just way too hot and the current 2.5 pmi pollution situation won't help attract new tourists....
  9. Never. Cash is King....
  10. Looks like the Seven Day Road Safely Campaign isn't working....as usual.
  11. Thailand Darwinsim in full effect.......
  12. Easy peezy, nothing money can't buy in the Big Chili....
  13. Like throwing rocks and breaking windows was going to help his cause....
  14. Don't forget the numerous deaths and horrific accidents from drunk driving....
  15. Why would anyone make this up???
  16. And Immigrations keep arresting illegal migrant workers.....
  17. I wonder how many lives will be lost this year due to drunk driving.....
  18. So the guy didn't know the foreign man but... Very confusing.....
  19. BUT, the airlines will find ways to nickel and dime customers to make up for their losses.......
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