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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. I think there's more to the story here. Where in Thailand before going back to the UK? How long were you gone? Maybe she found something you didn't want her to see? Maybe her friends told her Thailand is an adult Funland? Maybe she cheated on you and decided she wants the other person? From my experience, once a woman makes up her mind to leave you, 99% of the time, it will be very hard to change her mind. You need to find a good divorce lawyer to protect yourself.
  2. If you're from the cold climates, I understand. I have lived by the beach or the ocean all my life, I will use a lot of sunscreen when I do go fishing, swimming or surfing but I usually try to avoid the sun as much as possible. Everything I've seen and read, the damage sun can do to your skin is not good. Yes, you can get vitamin D from the sun and it's important for your circadian rhythm getting sun burned is not healthy....
  3. One of the very few stories with a happy ending. Of course they want to publicize this to the maximum especially with all the negative news about Thailand in China. Unfortunately, more often than not, the story doesn't end this way.
  4. And then there were none. Until a month later.....
  5. Dem Ruskies are always making trouble. They seem to be made from a different mold. They have no respect, pompous, self-righteous and disregard for others.....
  6. Is it just me? There seems to be a lot of Swedes getting in trouble in Thailand....
  7. Now she'll be slithering her way to jail! JOKE: What do you call a snake that's 3.14 meters long? A Pi-thon!
  8. I wonder if Thailand has the power of Eminent domain?
  9. BS! Their economy is going to the toilet as we speak with the defunct of Evergrande and 300 Billion owned to banks....
  10. Someone ratted them out, good for them!
  11. Good luck with that. Both Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang were rated 2 of the the worst airports in Asia by Business Financing's recent world airport rankings....
  12. Looking forward to going to the Philippines now. Good change of pace, the gals are hot, living costs are lower than Thailand, the beaches are better and the air quality is WAY better.....
  13. Tsk, tsk! Politicians will say everything you want to hear just to get your vote......
  14. Yes, I agree a million%. The immigrations officers are unfriendly and move as slow as molasse in the winter not to mention how they stop to socialize amongst their selves, laughing and having a good old time whilst tourists are queued up after a long flight or trying to get to their gates. Also the walk from the gate to immigrations or getting to gates, even with the moving walkway, is way too long....
  15. Great place to hide. That's the last place he should have been if he was trying to avoid the cops or maybe he thought reverse psychology would work🤪....
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