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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Follow the money BUT if it leads to high level police or military......it'll be business as usual.
  2. Started a keto diet 1 year ago. Cut out all carbohydrates including bread, rice, pasta. Lost 25 lbs in 3 weeks. Blood pressure dropped from 160/120 to 115/85. I'm the best shape of my life!
  3. This is "Breaking Bad" stuff... .
  4. No bread...mo betta for your health!
  5. This monk won't be going to heaven any time soon....
  6. LOL, smoking is bad for your health as well as others....
  7. Looks like something out of the "Venom" movie series....
  8. It seems like a lot of the fires in commercial building in Thailand are caused by short circuit blow outs. Kind of tell you the LOS safety codes are weak or non existant....
  9. LOL, I thought I read a Shenanigan visa....
  10. She thought she'd give him an earful and a piece of her mind. Look where that got her.....
  11. "AIMING" is the key word...With crooked cops and rampant pay off's, good luck with that.
  12. Good riddance....
  13. Sounds like a job for the Justice League...
  14. Well done firemen! Good thing the fire was caught in time and didn't spread higher....
  15. I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream.......
  16. Lucky for him the police only used a taser. He would have been shot if he pulled the same stunt in the US......
  17. My heart goes out to the parents of the boy who drowned. RIP young man....
  18. Diddy got sooo much poon that he bored of women and became a switch hitter ....
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