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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. I got fatigued just reading the article 🥴....
  2. LOL, I liked the way they "spilled" that on into the article.....
  3. RIP young lad 🙏.......
  4. He must have been going way too fast if he lost control.....
  5. Or a late night, all out BBQ....
  6. LOL, have fun in prison, that's where you belong.....
  7. Go get em' Tom Som Chai Cruise!
  8. "Judgment crossing", a fitting name.....
  9. In the US, the city would be sued and the family compensated. Good luck with that in the LOS....
  10. It's just like dealing drugs. Profit margins are way too high. In her case, it was literally all profit. Very difficult to stop if you make money for basically free.....
  11. Who are you trying to fool?
  12. Someone has a firm grasp of the obvious.......
  13. As interest rates go up, I owe, I owe, I owe, So off to work, I go......unless I declare bankruptcy!
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