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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Damn trouble making ruskies. Nobody likes them, just ask Zelensky.....
  2. Quite an entrepreneur, too bad he couldn't apply his skills in a good and legal way....
  3. The perpetrator is a dirt bag but the mother is at fault as well. She should have NEVER left her alone especially a 6 year old, by herself....
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Thaksin's special reserve. He's known to skirt taxes like he did when he off loaded his telecommunications company and passed a law while he was PM to pay nil in taxes....
  5. "Must visit destination?" They'll have to do a lot a work to get to that proposition......
  6. I would take Air Force capabilities over Navy capabilities any day of the week.....
  7. These guys get duped into thinking they'll get a good paying job but once they cross the border they get their passports taken and then they become used like slaves and get physically punished if they don't meet certain quotas. Sadly, the Cambodian (as well as the Burmese) government don't actively try to raid and disband these operations. These operations probably have connections with the current government or police that allows these operations to carry on and flourish....
  8. Hire a Thai lawyer, you'll get concrete answers and advice than you would get here.......
  9. Auto accidents in Thailand, a never ending story.....
  10. Shot in the back? The shooter is a coward.....
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