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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. I've experienced one too many Songkrans, nuff already......
  2. Keep your car unlocked and in neutral with your window open....
  3. I have better thing to invest in.......
  4. I don't care to hear about the insights, I just want someone to do something about the pollution!
  5. I'd go with Germany even if it costs more. They make high quality precision products....
  6. Seems like these illegal worker are all over Thailand...
  7. Ha ha ha, That's what you get when you don't welcome locals or at least the ones that have some power or influence....
  8. The next generation will pay dearly for this.....
  9. Where there's smoke, there's a fire.....
  10. Snitch reports....
  11. Same old, same old. Carry on......
  12. Right, just blame it on her period. Sounds like she's just a biatch straight up regardless if she was on her period.....
  13. This is a fight tRump would like to have dog in......
  14. Look at them, smiling and laughing, having a good old time. They'll just wait and let things blow over.....
  15. They don't call him Teflon Thaksin for nothing....
  16. Having many Songkran's under my belt, I try to avoid it now. Been there, done that....
  17. From what I understand, to get it removed is fairly easy and safe, if done by an otolaryngologist.....
  18. I'm sure, over worked, stressed out employees with low moral and bad management had something to do with this.....
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