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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. You sound like an angry, old, man....
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Thaksin's special reserve. He's known to skirt taxes like he did when he off loaded his telecommunications company and passed a law while he was PM to pay nil in taxes....
  3. If you have a Thai DL, that should suffice. Depending on the hotel, I've never had any problems with just a photo copy of my PP....
  4. Tourist: I'd like to report a crime and I'll take a large Coke Slurpee with that.....
  5. This looks like one of those mass weddings performed by the Moonies Unification Church. Not for me.....
  6. As much as I hate to side with the russians, it does sound like a propaganda stunt.... That's like the biggest gun manufacturers saying no to weapons.....
  7. You keep hearing of how tourism is "expected" to double and how condominiums are selling like hotcakes. This is the first time I hear something realistic......
  8. Maybe he was just relaxing. Let him be......
  9. Please, I wonder how many locals were arrested?
  10. Damn ruskies, taking business away from the local prostitutes.....
  11. Damn trouble making ruskies. Nobody likes them, just ask Zelensky.....
  12. The English Candy Man......
  13. Quite an entrepreneur, too bad he couldn't apply his skills in a good and legal way....
  14. The perpetrator is a dirt bag but the mother is at fault as well. She should have NEVER left her alone especially a 6 year old, by herself....
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Thaksin's special reserve. He's known to skirt taxes like he did when he off loaded his telecommunications company and passed a law while he was PM to pay nil in taxes....
  16. "Must visit destination?" They'll have to do a lot a work to get to that proposition......
  17. I would take Air Force capabilities over Navy capabilities any day of the week.....
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