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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. The worst thing one can do to their parents is die before them.....
  2. I think it won't be long once the "donations" start flowing in to the new powers that be, that everything will be "business as usual".....
  3. RIP Mrs. Narumon Klongkhoy 🙏....
  4. Ba ha ha ha! Who are these people trying to fool. What a great way to start the morning; with a full on belly laugh!!!!
  5. Of course a high ranking official or officials are in on it otherwise the scammers and gangs wouldn't be lingering around. Money talks, BS walks....
  6. Lock him up and throw away the keys. Best for him as well as for public safety....
  7. LOL, that's most direct and fastest way to "GO TO JAIL"!!!
  8. What joke. Next, he'll use the race card. These damn criminals will say and do anything to get pity.....
  9. Hmmm, why do these types of bust coincide when elections happen???
  10. The father should have never left the child by himself......
  11. Sounds like it was a blessing in disguise. He's in a much better place now. RIP Kun Supasorn 🙏....
  12. These are the establishments were probably the ones that didn't "donate" enough into the police fund, if you know what I mean....
  13. Darwinism is still alive and kicking....
  14. The driver must be thinking, "If that darn curve wasn't there, none of this would have happened!!!".
  15. Thailand needs to coordinate with Myanmar and send in their version of the Seal Teams or Delta Forces and wipe out the call-scam centers and drug trafficing operations....
  16. A lot of times, if someone survives this type of suicide attempt, it can cause permanent brain damage and leaving the person end up living in a vegetative state....
  17. I don't think so. The Brits have a backbone......
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