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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. As always, I'm sure a politician or politicians will have their dirty hands in the deal......
  2. As much as I don't agree with a lot of Trump's actions, I agree that there is no place for transgender soldiers in the US armed forces....
  3. Lock him up and throw away the key.....
  4. In other words, brain splatter. The truck was found 350 meters away!? Sounds like the driver was trying to make a run for it........
  5. Another day, another motor vehicle death. Carry on, it's business as usual.....
  6. With the hot climate and unsanitary kitchen conditions all over Thailand, I am not surprised......
  7. Life will not be kind to the said soldier in his next life........
  8. Looks like the cop is giving the captured suspect a massage. Softening him up and getting him ready for JAIL!
  9. Mr. Meth(y)....what an appropriate name for a meth head .....
  10. Mike Johnson is a Little Johnson if you know what I mean.....
  11. Thank God for the emergency responders....
  12. I bet they were terrified and traumatized. RIP premature baby.....
  13. Defile and thou shall be defrocked.....
  14. I don't think a helmet would have helped.....
  15. At the least, it's not like not the fires in California....
  16. Sounds like something that would happen in the US. Too many guns floating around in BOTH countries.....
  17. Yikes! I can only imagine how bad it must have smelled.....
  18. I bet there's no annual fire inspections like in the US....
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