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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. just like when buying a new pair of shoes.... first try, then re try to make sure they (both) fit and then pay 555
  2. makes me think about the price for a new car vs the price to pay for a used one 555
  3. single word "farcical" but some of the synonyms would fit as well 555 https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/farcical adjective If you describe a situation or event as farcical, you mean that it is so silly or extreme that you are unable to take it seriously. [disapproval] ...a farcical nine months' jail sentence imposed yesterday on a killer. Synonyms: ludicrous, ridiculous, absurd, preposterous
  4. the sad thing is, Thailand wants to be taking seriously in the international world view of anti corruption..... pathetic
  5. police pretend "not know" as the place must be owned by one of them.... turn head and look the other way
  6. for him to approve that without an argument it means they must be from his party cronies and opposition wouldn't be allowed sorry for the typo as meant "would not be allowwed"
  7. she's not talking about Thailand correct? because, unfortunately, here they don't give a rats azzz about her rights
  8. when I read you post I thought it was mine as had the exactly same problem just different bank, the ex kept the contacts and the bank follow her instructions, I moved what was left (not much 555) of my money and went to a local town small bank/credit union
  9. as I see it and speaking with 4-5 Russians, they don't want to go back, afraid they will be enlisted
  10. they are not doing anything for free, not here, they are working hard in getting the cash flow in and looking at the Chinese to help them cashing in, it sounded to good to be true, no freebees in Thailand https://www.thaienquirer.com/38323/thailand-to-fix-credit-card-payment-issues-provide-shelter-for-russian-and-ukrainian-tourists/ Thai authorities are seeking alternative options such as the Chinese payment network UnionPay, as well as cryptocurrencies.
  11. was going to write the same comment but you beat me to it, well done
  12. that's a good point but still not convinced, thanks anyway
  13. didn't know that was possible, one get a service and that's what it is, why does it has to be standard vs top package if they don't advertise it that way, sorry but don't agree package is a package and only changes depending on the amount of extra stuff one adds to it, they me offered 1000/1000 but it had movies, games and some other stuff that didn't interested me, I only need internet and then they offered me 1000/200 and here again they had some movies then again I declined and told them internet speed that's when the tech came out and told me 1000/300 to 500 would be good and that's my subscription 1000/300 and it (was) working fine until changed the damn "new" router and things went the slow motion/shut downs/restarts without my knowledge/permission and can't accept that, 3BB should inform me of their intended actions/activities on my router so to avoid future misunderstandings I started to look for alternatives and directed myself towards AIS now it's on their hand if they want new customers or not but honestly it appears they don't give a rats azzzzzz about new customers as they told me " this what we have, you take or you go somewhere else" I know Thailand is know for this type of answers but, but.... like the one who said '' up to you""
  14. is there a charge because in some place I saw 89 or 99 baht
  15. long time we didn't heard about brake failure..... as everybody can see/read it, amulet does work 555
  16. can I do a speed boost for all day or it has to be done every minute/hour
  17. I had 500 Mb before and IPTV not stable too much buffering, switched to 1000 and it stabilized
  18. but may never receive any interest return on investment/deposits thus 20% of 0 still 0 and don't forget to add to that the lost of the initial deposit as well, thus a final total of minus 120% 555
  19. as you, I am in the south and had the same problem with the router, took them 3 times to fix it and 3 new machines and still slow and never up to 1000, the higher it goes it's around 590-670 with a LAN connection, Wifi with my Pixel 6 gos up to 570 but that's it, never 1000 or even 800-900 Paying 1 year in advance you get a 1 month discount/free
  20. where can I check that out as couldn't find anything on their site or maybe I overlooked, would like to know the T&C
  21. Not AIS customer and was looking at their package BYOD 1000/500 for 599 month, didn't saw the 1000/300 but they do have 500/300 for 399 month. Majority of my neighbors swear by AIS as they have great speed and tech support I currently have the 3BB fiber running to my apartment, when I signed with them they had a promo of supplying 500 meters of cable free and for me to run from street to my place, AIS doesn't have that and they may have to run their own line and may charge me an arm and a leg for it, that's my dilemma as they also say that I have top have my own router as they only supply their LAN connector, any Wifi is my/will be my doing. I do have the latest Wifi 6 router from 3BB but really not a change in service, on the contrary, when they came to change it they had to exchange 3 times a new machine as they kept stopping work after a couple hours, finally they found the correct one but was disappointing (made in China router specifically for 3BB) I have been trying to negotiate free installation and free router, still waiting for their answer, I need 1,000 down for my IPTV but 300 up would be ok and there is a post saying that I could configure at my needs, hope that's correct
  22. that's a great idea and would fit my needs, how can I configure as 1000/300 can you please explain thanks
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