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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. just trying to divert people's attention from more important matters.... sheer desperation move
  2. and for now I am finished with venting and going to watch some football 555
  3. so the UN is useless outdated and as it stands has no purpose
  4. same with Syria but in both cases they were veto votes from China and Russia, in both case genocides/war crimes UN has no balls to overturn the veto vote, article 23 of the UN should be revised/amended and remove these 2 cronies for their human rights aggression/abuse, they don't have the right to hide behind flaws of international law
  5. what exactly have they done since their creation, what specific operational actions, besides the so called blue/white helmets peace keepers, any deterred action that I may have missed
  6. I didn't say they that....they would get involved, I said the US promised heavy sanctions, swift and heavy something Putin never had and took them sometime to start to move with some sanctions and Putin's still smiling, then the EU imposed some heavier ones and finally the US follow but still (in my opinion) not heavy enough Mr Harrell, who sits on the National Security Council, said the United States was prepared, immediately after an invasion of Ukraine, to impose "crippling financial costs on major Russian financial institutions as well as to impose a range of quite sweeping export controls that will degrade Russian industrial capacity over the mid and long term." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-29/us-threatens-russia-with-massive-sanctions-over-ukraine-crisis/100790222
  7. they don't have the balls to kick out Russia and/or China from the security council and they know both are on their own way autocrats that don't give a rats as?? about international law
  8. as I said, they are very unpredictable and when less expect them to do something that's when they will do it, right now everybody is expecting them to make the move about Taiwan thus they won't, nothing to worry about the US as they will not do anything about it, only talk and more talk, same as for the Ukraine, US said they would do that and that and Putin would be hit swift and hard and blablabla and here are the Ukrainian's going at it alone fighting tanks with molotv's....
  9. they don't go together and Chinese are not and have never been careful with anything, look at their moves in the SCS with Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, etc., they were not careful at all, they just moved in and kicked everybody/anybody out of their way but it took some by surprise thus unpredictable, when one less expects them to do something logic and/ or reasonable they will surprise
  10. agree but I do (unfortunately) know the Chinese mentality very well and they are unpredictable.... as for Putin maybe he suffers from same deficiency as Adolph did, small man's (duck) syndrome 555
  11. funny they didn't show the same support to the Myanmar people when the military junta grabbed power..... maybe because it sounded to familiar
  12. main suppliers of arms to the Myanmar junta: 1= China 2= Russia 3= Serbia Thailand can't upset any of them as they may be taking a cut
  13. a lot of water will run under the bridge before the Chinese change their mind..... birds of the feather flick together
  14. Agree with you unfortunately the majority of Russians don't know Vlad is at war with their neighbor/friend as the Russia state run TV and news don't report anything about the invasion thus nobody knows how many dead....
  15. India they have to bend to Vlad because of India/China Himalaya's problems and also depend too much on Vlad market UAE that's due to their BIG dependency on Russia high value tourists, the ones with the big boats and football teams... Unfortunately there are no longer loyalty allegiances, it's all based on the $$$ or Pound or Euro, look at Germany, Italy and France they didn't agree to cut Russia out off the SWIFT because of the $$$$$$ but they keep saying they are trying to help, in a simple word HYPOCRISY hypocrisy /hɪˈpɒkrəsi/ noun 1. the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case: "his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life"
  16. me thinks China is/should be amassing them into full containers
  17. Russia banks have been removed from using main foreign currencies thus no trading into USD/EUR/Pound/NZD/AUSD and so many more, if there are exchange booth buying Rubble they are taking a huge risk as they may have to sit on them for quite (long) sometime....
  18. tell that to the parents/relatives of the ones who died and you will see their reaction
  19. they didn't look close enough or maybe they didn't visit the right places... they are everywhere
  20. unfortunately the punishment will be a slap on the wrist, a couple weis (like a mea culpa) and they will be taking an early (well remunerated) retirement
  21. it's a total misunderstanding as 2 days ago "big mouth" Anutin said that he had everything under control
  22. he's just venting, blowing out some hot air as elections may be on the horizon, typical (bad) politicians move
  23. more and more hasty decisions made out of sheer desperation.... they should be careful with what they wish for
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