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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. sorry mate, but your reply is irrelevant, to what I asked, and what I replied to.
  2. Can anyone suggest any visa agents, and costs, for Koh Samui and Surat Thani, all help appreciated... please no trolls..lol regards
  3. True, so many unstable thai males
  4. No matter what he, ir his lady, are like, I doubt they are as low as you.
  5. what stations can you access on an IPTV, what equipment etc
  6. What's the best way to get Aussie TV, in Thailand.. can I VPN, or do I need pay TV
  7. what interesting comments have you posted. I do not believe you have read all my comments, so stick your comment where the sun don't shine.
  8. I've seen some amazing repairs done using charcoal and superglue.....bicarb and superglue...
  9. Troll post... why does AseanNow allow it... just kick him/
  10. that does not suit those who live here, with family.
  11. As a 70 yo Aussie, on the aged pension, no other income, I do not need to submit an Australian tax return... how would Thailand know my income, as the ATO say they do not release the returns. As far as Thailand is concerned, I only have savings, that "could" come from superannuation, so is savings, not income.
  12. Have you tried getting Thai citizenship, unless you are a female, married to a Thai, the path is long, and hard, and even then, very few are granted... so your comment is not the best, except it gave you a chance to comment.
  13. Ah yes, tourist seasin is upon us, and here we we hear the same regurgitated BS we have heard time after time, they seem to forget tourts have good memories and remember that the BS keeps coming.
  14. Here's me thinking, come to Thailand to experience Thailand.
  15. Does this translate to Thailand eventually being forced into admitting the importation, and sale, of stolen goods, questions need to be asked with customs and RTP, and dealers... there has to be paperwork
  16. Question 1... does saving count as income if transferred from overseas account into a Thai account.. technically savings are not income. Question 2... how do you get around the 160 day limit.
  17. Because they loke a bit of white hanky panky
  18. I always think ... no, unless a sign says otherwise, however, Patong beach confuses me, there are signs saying no motorbikes on footpath, but guess what, bike parking is on the footpath, you can't gain access unless you ride along it... ah, what can I say.... Amazing Thailand.
  19. “This happened because Thai laws are so weak. Foreigners aren’t afraid. They just need to offer a gift basket or money to the police, and then both eyes and mouths are shut.” Um, but aren't we entitled to be treat the same as Thais... or is this more proof of racism/xenophobia.
  20. That photo must have been altered, her nose is still the same size. ( for those who do not understand, google Pinocchio.)
  21. If offended then it is up to Thai woman to prove it wrong... simple really.
  22. that's because there is no Red notice, has been one for a few years.
  23. How do they suddenly manage such an arrest rate, in 1 month, but fail for years to achieve similar results.... do I actually believe this story... hell no.
  24. Thais are taught, at school, thais do nothing wrong.. therefore, no crimes committed by thais... so logic says, all crime is from foreigners, no need to crack down on thai crime.
  25. Foreign "criminals" cannot do what they do without the "help" of locals.. whether citizens of government employees eg RTP
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