another campaign, did the last one fail, or the one before that, or the one before that... get my drift. Please, this is about Thailand... it's sad I have to put a caveat in posts.
This is NOT about the USA, or any other nation.... what I will say is, is Thailand ready to suffer the consequences.. eg, trade sanctions, which is a very really possibility, and even more international companies pulling out of Thailand... which has already started.
when has Thailand every shown compassion.... ever.. they always turn away refugees, some being force back out to sea, never to be heard of again... Thailand only does things if it benefits Thailand's rich.. in this case, cheap subordinate labour.
Surat has nice beaches, is good for families, away from the normal tourist riff raff, and the less than family friend nightlife, very much the same as Hau Hin, it is also, for those who want, a ferry ride to Koh Samui
As we are discussing citizenship, and the policy is created by the government... "their" refers to the bloody government.... Mate, you should just give up.. you lack any understand of what we are all discussing. By trying to gain some credibility, you are only making a bigger fool of yourself. More lies.. where did I mention voting "patterns," stop your BS.
mate, you do post BS.. so what's your point. You can use "gaslighting" if you wish, that doesn't mean I am wrong, it really means you just do not understand... I am still waiting for you to repute anything I said... so please, stop embarrassing yourself. Also, I do NOT call EVERYTHING here BS... so stop the ever increasing BS. Go quietly to your room. No-one here supports anything you have said.
I don't think this should surprise anyone, Thailand does not want farang citizens, we remember their BS, we discuss their BS, we do not believe most things they say, we would not vote the way the power brokers/military wants us to.... we bring our western idea of democracy, that Thailand certainly does not accept.
I'm calling it BS, no government office with "Royal" in its title would stoop so low, and bring the good name of Thailand, the RTP, or the Monarchy into disrepute... nah, it can't be true... surely. 555
I have often said, on this forum.. the dogs are quick to condemn a foreigner, without knowing all facts.. there seems something very wrong with many forum members, they seem to think all Thais are perfect, all foreigners are evil... I simply do not understand their attitude.