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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. After reading comments mine is redundant, so many saying the same thing
  2. Xenophobic racist cop... seems local nationals openly defying local laws is ok. And Thailand has a seat on the UN Human Right committee, aren't we all supposed to be equal.
  3. That's why potholes is in " " as it infers I believe it is not the cause.
  4. This "Evidence of the crash was found 100 metres from the body, including marks on a concrete barrier and a pothole that likely caused the accident," seems to contradict the 400m from the bike, unless he was flung backwards.
  5. Body found about 400m from the bike, I don't think the "pothole" is the only cause.
  6. Where would they start, then stop... we know it will only stop, at the very top... and I can't say who...
  7. I'm no expert, 0ver my 70 years, I see the UN fail more than succeed, it will never achieve much while 5 nations, and it only takes 1, hold the power of veto, 4 of which, have never played well with each othe... US, Britain, Russia, and China
  8. Well, what do they expect, educate people knowing there's no positions for them, and, in many cases, their credentials are not acknowledged overseas, and we know why.
  9. Is this saying it's the road's fault. Logic would say, ban/close the bus company, after fining it heavily.
  10. "Sorry" only because he was caught, otherwise he wouldn't say anything.
  11. Well, as an expat, I am fully of where of how thais think, in most case they do what suits themselves, bugger everyone else, we see it every day.
  12. Same way 2 cops, from up north, found guilty of murder, sentenced to death... then granted bail, guess what they did. This is Thailand, not much difference to Disneyland/Wonderland, etc.. where anything is possible, if you have money or know the right people.
  13. I know what racism is, and I believe you contravened number (1), you targeted 3 racial/ethnic groups... your own words condemn you.
  14. Your comment "Yes. Probably they can not afford steroids" basically means all, but anyway, are suggesting an age range, a gender, etc... either way you bring all into you argument, which is WRONG... you also brought Aussies, and Yanks, into it, by replying to a previous comment, for no logical reason, making it racist. We don't care if some are legal in the UK, your comment is wrong, as this is Thailand.
  15. Again... lack of supervision
  16. Why are they allowed to use the road, to dry rice, this is an obvious safety hazard... they do the same thing for cassava.
  17. Are you suggesting all Brits, Aussies, and Yanks, take steroids.... I thought racism was banned
  18. With no mention of what law has been broken, this a cop just trying to get some attention... or are they trying to divert attemtion from some ither story.
  19. as far as I can recall Sukhumvit means district, so is not a soi name.. I'm sure someone will correct me
  20. after many years, in Thailand, sorry I do not agree, where are you living, can you name a few.
  21. I guess, as in this case, it doesn't help if the soi is known to have 2 names... that in itself needs to be sorted...
  22. If you read my first comment, re so some respect to his friends and family, I would hope you'd understand, put yourself in their position, how would you feel. Shame on you, and all others, making guesss, it seems the nature of many who post on forums.
  23. all I asked was stop the guessing. I am sorry if that angered you.
  24. Why take wild guesses, the guy died, leave it at that, until we hear more. Have some sympathy fir his relatives.
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