And someone really needs to stop being pedantic. Geez what is the world coming to, when we start picking on a spelling error, on a forum where we speak multiple languages. SMH.
Matters not, it is more up market than a bike... wealth, prestige, make of vehicle, type of vehicle, size of vehicles have more "rights" on the road, oh, and bikes have more "rights" than pedestrians... lol... this is Thailand.
True but I was wondering if they were too scared to say Chinese, if they were from Texas, would they from Texas... or the US, rhetorical question, we know the answer.
Fun police at it again, kill a cop and they let you free, to roam the world... import sex toys, and you're done. Thailand, the laughing stock of the world.
Guys, who cares if it sunk, capsized, took on water etc, geez. It's just lucky everyone survived, no mention of lifejacjets, but also thete seemed a lack of communications between the navy.
it doesn't matter, the authorities should never have allowed one or the other, just think about it, but then, as usual, this is Thailand... no safety measure at all, money comes first, followed quickly by corruption.
I have bever seen such dangerously large gaps, and Australian temperature range is greater than Thailands, something very wrong with this bridge's design/engineering. 11cm, and 13cm, gaps are large enough to trap a foot, on an adult, on small kids a leg could be trapped.