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Everything posted by robblok

  1. Alcohol the nice accepted drug.. give me cannabis any day no agression It lowers inhibitions so it shows how someone truly is. Most of dont change to much. Some just are good to hide the ... they are and lose it when they drink
  2. Ppl i dont like i dont contact anymore. Too bad to lose friends but pretending is not my style. Rather be more alone then faking it.
  3. Im probably wrong with calling it class of people. What i mean its a certain type usually construction but not all. But it sucks to generalize as you will always offend people. Lets put it this way it happens a lot more with certain groups of ppl. Now in my home time its carnaval. Even though its not allowed young kids of 14 and so are drinking in bars and nobody carers. This is the law of our village, everyone knows nobody acts. Lot of those will grow up annoying. I dont care people drinking and getting drunk. But if they act like the guy describes then they are just trash. Annoying others with their behavior. Drink whenever you want how much you want as long as you dont bother others its ok with me. Same goes for drug use. Live and let live. Too bad for the bad apples that seem to ruin it for those who can use drugs or drink and behave.
  4. Yes i read about that the Dutch are fed up with people from the UK in the red light district. Now seems normal to me, people in Spain are fed up with Dutch and English there. I think holliday makers in general are annoying. But on the other hand if you live in a place that thrives on tourism then you should not complain too much. The people from the UK i met were mainly hard drinkers. But then again my friends from when I was young (village ppl) were hard drinkers too and add drugs. So i think its more like a certain kind of people. Plus they like to travel. Its also easier just single a nationality out instead of accepting that your own are idiots too.
  5. Some people are just like that. I think its more a certain class of people not a country. We got those idiots too in the Netherlands who think life is drinking and being rude. Usually people working in construction and so on.
  6. I know so bizarre especially because its the people who own the books who make the changes. Hoping that they make more money out of these book. Wanting a larger public not a few people stuck in the past.. Your remark would be true if it were the woke people who changed book instead of commercial interests, showing that those against it are probably a small minority else the owners of the books would not change it and make money of them.
  7. I once saw a guy who kept posting on forums instead of traveling to the country. Just to save money. How fugal is that.
  8. Obviously people think your wrong about less viewers as less viewers is less money. So i doubt your right. There is a difference between changing works of fiction and historical books. Personally i dont need any racism at all. Seems your overthinking things. Anyway IMHO its up to the owner of the rights to do as they please. Its not as if you can't get old versions to enjoy your views.
  9. They got the rights to the books, so its not different. They just want to sell more books. So they change things to keep the books recent. Even this could be seen as free publicity. If you feel its so bad you and other people who hate these changes should have bought more books so you could have a say. ITs a commercial decision nothing dictated by woke people. Just people who want to be more inclusive so they sell more books. Shows your probably a minority in this, im sure they have done their market research. Its all about money.
  10. No its the author itself that changes things so they can make money. So complain with the writer or change how people look at things. This a commercial reason. Nothing to do with woke all with reaching a larger public and making more money. Id say the capitalists are at it again.
  11. Nobody is forcing them to rewrite books. They are doing it to get better sales numbers. That is totally different from banning books. Its authors going with the times as it makes them money.
  12. And bringing Biden in it.. damm there goes your credibility.
  13. No, i just don't understand this nobody would be that stupid. Unless the guy is an total idiot it just makes no sense.
  14. I agree about the PSU if you get a good quality one they can stay good for a really long time. Many are modular now meaning you can add and take away cables. This PC I would not upgrade better to buy new with low specs. Would probably be better and with less of headache.
  15. I dont know what o think. But as far as i know no tongue was sucked. So it could be teasing after the Dalai lama sticked his tongue out. I mean there were camera's everywhere, just makes no sense to do such a thing in public on camera. A joke makes more sense. If it was a joke it certainly failed.
  16. I think you gone USA. In my country if someone slips on one of the many dams and sea wals then they will call that man unfortunate but a fool too. Because dams are submerged part of the day (especially those that are influenced by tides). Its impossible to keep that non slippery. Anyone thinking it can be done without pouring huge amounts of money in it is a fool. Its possible but really expensive, I am from a nanny state but like i said even there they understand that some things cost too much to keep safe. Things that submerge often is one of those.
  17. In my country they have a independent organization that checks all plans from political parties and runs them through computer programs to see if its financially and otherwise possible. Its a good way to prevent people from cheating by promising things they can't deliver. I think its a good thing if political parties must show where their prestents are coming from. So they cant just show the good.
  18. Why go back humans are far more prone to corruption and faults then computers. Nothing has ever been proven over voting machines. Its even been proven they work good because of manual recounts. Going back is just appeasing dinosaurs and extremists who by your own posts wont be happy anyway. So why. Probably just so people can keep saying the election was stolen and now with manual voting can influence it more. Even Rupert Murdoch had to admit in court that there was no proof for his allegations. This is a powerful rich man. If there was anything he would have used it for his defense.
  19. Richard, your taking things out of context. A branch falling from a tree is different from walking somewhere in the dark at a place where anyone with half a brain should stay away from. There is such a thing as own responsibility. You cant expect a government to have everything clean, something that gets flooded by water each and every day will be slippery you can't change that. In this case IMHO its the guys fault. As i get older i see risks more clearly. Some things like uneven pavement in a busy street sure government can fix it. Things like this that will always happen unless large amounts of money are spend and everyone with half a brain should know not so much.
  20. How can one assume the latest price list is correct. Especially if its older. I would always ask for the lates prices. But most shops i use dont even use price lists its all shown online. If i were to use a price list id make sure i got the latest price list. I don't really see this as a shop problem.
  21. All drugs, alcohol is a drug too will build up tolerance. So Xanax and cannabis and alcohol all will build up tolerance. It sucks its hard to combat. Only way to combat is to have off periods. Xanax is prescription in Thailand cannabis is not. Though its easy to get Xanax without prescription in certain pharmacies. The problem with sleeping is really annoying. So hard to find what the cause is as there can be so many. I had for years like 5+ or so. Still don't know what changed.
  22. Just telling you my personal experience about keto. The problem is that there are so many variables. I had years of sleeping problems and i never found the reason. I tried it all and for me cannabis worked best. But now i dont need that either. I still don't know what caused it im just happy it went away. The problem with sleeping problems is identifying the cause. All you can do is try as many things as you can. However that is also hard as you need to try something then stop and try something else. Otherwise you don't even know what the problem is. I hope you can get it sorted out.
  23. Eh clonozapan is many countries perscription and is worse then canabis. The tinctures did not work for me either. But in the end its your body dont do things you dont want to try.
  24. That might be the problem when i did keto i my sleeping problems got worse.
  25. Canabis works for me, but its not a long term solution. Just like with Benzos and alcohol you build up tolerance. I tried benzos (work for a few days), Cannabis (works almost always) Melatonin (works sometimes), Exercise (i always exercise so it does not help or anything). I had sleeping problems for a really long time. Not the falling asleep but staying asleep. For some reason it corrected itself and now i can sleep without anything. Of all the drugs cannabis helped the most and with the least side effects. Melatonin had me wake up like a zombie / same for benzo's. Alcohol just did not work. Cannabis worked great but that too might lead to dependency. Its really hard to find the root problem. I had years of problems and all of a sudden it was gone and i could sleep normal again. (dont even know what changed)
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