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Everything posted by robblok

  1. When is the end of the senators ? These guys should really not have this power. I am agaist Thaksin comming back without jail. Its rare that one of the big fish get caught for corruption and many other cases open. So when one does get caught it should stay that way. If none ever get caught then they too brazen in their thefts. I rather have Prayut also investigated and so on but better some then none.
  2. Depends on the time it took to consume those beers. If spread out over an evening its not much and probably not over the limit.
  3. To be honest the guy does not seem a reliable person and his story is full of holes. I think its a attention / moneygrab.
  4. I dont fully accept the killers version but I am pretty sure Neil did something to contribute to this. Unless you believe he did nothing to contribute. Almost always these things are two sided. I doubt a few things in this story like hitting the car with his motorbike. But im sure he did something to make the guy loose it. Does not mean at all that its justified. Just means be careful in traffic and always go for de escalation.
  5. Before the forum had an insurance sub section. That is where i got the insurance from. Not sure if it still has a sub section about insurance. But basically there are bokers who can sell you an insurance. Just like with cars they include everything. WIll be harder if your bike is older. But you can still then increase the accident part value instead of the repair on your own bike value.
  6. Hi, You should go to the insurance part. I got this insurance through a broker (Expat). The insurance is partly English and Thai. You need a valid (Thai driverslicense) If you pay like 3000bt and have a new bike then they pay out if your to blame too. Talking about a small MC not one of those 650cc ones.
  7. Its an add on insurance and its a couple of thousand bt depending on your bike.
  8. If you have your own bike you could have added accident insurance to it. I do so every year.
  9. Just one question im a NOOB. How do the republican block new drugs and make competition hard. I mean that would be really stupid to do and affect loads of people. Also unblocking would not cost taxpayer money but save it. So this point really confuses me. Anyone care to explain this to me or is it a lie (not looking to troll) I can understand other stuff as it costs money to taxpayer.. but this one i cannot.
  10. Im sure she has travel insurance. (dont see any go fund me stuff yet) Then the comparison in the UK they would never get away with this. Face it its nott he UK that is why you travel to broaden your horizon. If you want safety stay in the UK or EU. I am not really innocent either made my mistake too. First time Thailand went to a bungee catapult at night.. was fun but when i saw the thing by daylight it shocked me. Lesson learned (without dying or accident) Thailand is not safety conscious. Maybe some TV shows should warn people about the dangers of other countries. I mean the UK, EU and US are all safe or they get lawsuits. So we are used to it. Maybe time to put in some advertisements showing that safety is not always good in other countries.
  11. I am pro cannabis but if hotels dont allow you to smoke in their rooms then cannabis should also not be allowed.
  12. Yes it can always be worse however id rather lose our royal family and give the people a chance to vote for a president. You cant get rid of royals, presidents you can vote away. But yes if you get a Trump then its a lot worse. So you got kind of point. If your happy with them so be it, i don't feel our royal family is worth it. (Dutch ones I have no clue about your royals but they seem to be even worse at least so much more mud slinging)
  13. Royalty wish the Dutch disposed of theirs. No need for those people give me a president.
  14. Complaining about the money seems indeed a bit like whining. If he had not stepped out he would have income. Now i think they generate income by staying in the lime light. At least looks that way. He needs to keep up with his level of entitlement.
  15. From this interview i understand that if he does it privately they will still put him down. Its a defense strategy. I have no clue whats going on there but im pretty sure both sides are guilty. Especially into something like this.
  16. Its not the norm just sometimes its better to take a loss then to fight it. Especially if you already have a buyer for your condo. They will want the condo soon. So they got you as even if you fight it it might take time. So do you want all that stress and fight for what you is right or do you take the easy way. That is up to you id take the easy way and forget about the right way But im lazy and dont need extra stress.
  17. Some people just get paranoid from it, GF cant smoke gets semi paranoid when she does. Just like alcohol some people respond bad to it. But like @Dogmatix said it depends on your personal circumstance too.
  18. Non native speaker here with a bad spellcheck please forgive me its still early in the year ill do better. But at least i dont drink and drive.
  19. Usually I am for 11pm or something like that. Get out of bed 7am or so. Im not an evening person.
  20. Right the standard excuse of expats i drive better drunk then Thais do sober. Its not like i have not heard that one before.
  21. Then it still works as it costs more to get away. I also dont agree but if higher punishments results in higher bribes then in a way its extra punishment and maybe some of those idiots will learn. Drinking and driving is just selfish and puts others at risk.
  22. I feel people who drink and drive should be prosecuted as murderess if they kill someone with their car while drunk and driving. (same goes for other drugs of course)
  23. Does not matter people should never drink and drive those that do should get high fines and those that are involved in an accident mandatory jailtime.
  24. There is already a topic about this with the usual suspects denying these facts. But good one expect a storm of comments.
  25. If you look at the pictures (in the article) you see the back of a Thai motorcycle destroyed and the front of a car. So the most likely explanation is the Russian hit the Thai from behind.
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