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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 1 hour ago, Shiver said:

    With Kbank I lost 60K due to card scamming.  It was near a university, and they took 1000, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 etc.  Kbank said they were not at fault.  I said I wanted to see the video of the times it was taken then by being there they would clearly see that it wasn't me (and the pattern of withdrawals was not my behaviour either).  They said they would have to get the police, and if I was found to be wasting police time they would charge me.  I changed banks and never dealt with them again.  It's not like I even keep a lot of money in a bank in this country or any other, I just don't trust them at all.  Shower of (*&(&(&*&^$%$ all of them from my experience.

    Terrible experince. I'm sorry you endured that.

    I dont mean to be completely negative, but I'd say you really can't trust ANY business here. There will be a small percentage of exceptions, but 90+% of companies here are products of the people who are products of the culture. And, the culture is one of

    "maibenrai, sabai sabai, sanuk" , happy ignorance is bliss, arrogance and incompetence. 

    And, almost 0% of the people can be convinced they have anything to learn from the world outside Thailand. 



  2. 18 hours ago, Different said:

    Yeah right, Thai banking security my butt.

    To give you a clue, if a hacker hacks my smartphone he would be able to transfer half a million baht which daily transfer limit to his or other bank accounts and I would be informed by emails. lol that is why I don't keep too much money in a Thai bank account.

    And, we all can guess what will happen in that situation. 


    Farang: my account was hacked and 500,000 Baht stolen. 


    K. Nok Bank Manager: solly siiir. Your money 500,000 Baht gone na. Please change your password na kha. Sawatdee kha. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 53 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

    Expressing a desire for improvement is doom and gloom?  Were you a supporter of the 2014 military coup (and all the lies told to the Thai people and the world ever since)? ? 


    Challenging and challenging the status quo is what drives us forward to, hopefully, improvement.

    Not to mention that it is actually usually the selfish among us who don't care about incompetence that hurts real people. 


    Incompetence doesn't exist in a vacuum. It hurts everyone. And, a person who doesn't care, perhaps doesn't care about Thailand or Thai people.


    Thsts another view. 

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, eggers said:

    Agree, often wonder why do these negative minded people remain in Thailand??? Or, are they just taking the P***!!

    Most anyone who does something in Thailand of any significance learns to grow negative. 


    If your wealth allows you to avoid engagement with locals, or if you teach English or if you are effectively retired, you may have no reason to engage with locals and can enjoy your happy ignorance. 


    Talk to a true expat earning upwards of THB 200-500K above and learn about how consequential people actually feel. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 2 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    I am assuming the Chinese won't be sending their kids to learn in Thai schools. 

    Many of these "fifth column" Chinese kids attend school in Western countries.

    But, because there are so many of these kids, there is still room for other locales of study.

    I suspect the kind of kids who would attend international schools in Thailand are fairly mediocre but what we would consider middle-class or upper-middle class kids.

    They almost certainly will learn less than they would in China -- though the boys will have a great time pursuing their better looking Thai-blended girls.

  6. 17 minutes ago, grollies said:

    I read an article the other day where it stated that glyphosate was not carcinogenic when contaminated food was ingested, no mention of exposure to the chemical through skin contact or inhalation.


    Another article stated that UK farmers routinely sprayed their wheat crops just before harvest to kill the crop and enhance drying techniques.


    Who the hell allowed them to start this practice?


    Do the Thais do this to rice crops?

    Monsanto just lost a massive law suit related to the dangers of thess chemicals 



  7. Seems many guys here shopping for sales.


    Just as one poster earlier pointed to the obviousness of smelling meat before purchase (particularly in a developing, hot country), it should be common sense, given the business practices here, that anything heavily discounted should IMMEDIATELY 'raise the red flag' of caution and suspicion. 


    I'm surprised every single one of us farang don't automatically know this stuff. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, scorecard said:

     And more and more nowadays when the story gets big on social media.


    I find it strange that the organizers / perpetrators of this and many other types of scams don't realize that there's a very good chance they will get caught and get punished, possibly including jail.


    Another slant - a few years back another professor at my university had a student who was a small bit actress, she was a member of a 'gang' who organized a scam which raked in hundreds of millions of Baht from mostly low income folks. Her name appeared in the newspapers as a member of the 'gang' when police investigate the situation. The investigation was because of social media pressure.


    She tried to convince the other students (who were very not impressed with her activities) that's it's all OK because she's poor.


    Progressively and quickly she went from being ignored by her student colleagues to being abused by them, but a few (all female students) supported her, they all believed it's unfair that she was being investigated, because she's a celebrity. 


    She stopped attending classes, never heard of again, she went to jail.

    People steal throughout the world. But Thailand is a perfect place to steal, especially when it is from foreigners. 


    There are almost no serious consequences. Even if the family and the alleged "prominent Thai business people" are found guilty, whatever penalty theybface will be primarily for show. 


    A few years from now, they will be clear and ever more prominent having been made far more wealthy. Thais don't care how they get money, they just admire anyone who has it.


    Plus, from the majority of Thais, he will silently gain BIG FACE for being "clever" enough to trick those foreigners. 

  9. 3 hours ago, chivo said:

    According to a source close to authorities, the crackdown will now even apply to drivers of BMW 3 series and 5 series. However, owners of 7 series will be wai-ed for their exemlplery financial success and of course be exempt from any wrongdoing. 

    You make yet another critically important observation. What hope is there for a society in which the 95% have every intention of mimicking the disgusting habits of the 5% they so admire? 


    In my experience, the more expensive the auto, the more aggressive and reckless the driving. Strong correlation. Maybe similar to driving I've seen in UAE and north Africa. 


    In other words, "I am entitled to disregard the rules and the safety of other road users because I either have money or because I appear to have money. My life is more valuable than yours. I am bigger than you are."



    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, off road pat said:

    Nah,.. we're talking about Thailand here... Blowing air as usual... I remember years ago they got foreign traffic experts to improve traffic in Bangkok.

    Those experts told them what to change and what to do !,...and they didn't listen as usual..I remember that there was a one way road up to half way the road and then changed into a 2 way?! ..the experts wanted to change this stupid system ! But The Thai authority's said that it was impossible because there was a general living there and he liked it this way !!!!!!! T.I.T.

    Haha. I understand you. However, I wonder if they would be more inclined to listen to Asian outsiders as opposed to farang.


    The Japanese will understand that in order to be successful, they will need to spend tremendous time and energy to convince the TH authorities that all the ideas were TH ideas thus saving TH authorities face. 


    Farang are not keen on such childish wastes of time. 

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