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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. I should add that target age matters quite alot. All older people begin to loose their taste and find it more difficult to distinguish qualities. So the horrific quality, chewy meat might be OK for many. 


    As another poster above noted, 10,000 Baht rent for such a restaurant seems high. Will depend on all the other dozens of factors of your business plan. Generally, though, in Thailand, keeping costs as low as possible is preferable. Most Thais are less interested in higher quality than they are in lower costs.

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  2. I agree with you, OP. Thais do eat steak for those prices, but, from a Westerner perspective, that meat is terrible quality. Thai beef (even Thai French) is the worst I've had in any country. And, Thais generally don't know how to cook it western tastes. 


    To answer your questions about business plan, it would help to know alot more detail you are considering such as:

    1. Location (province, urban vs rural?) 


    2. Competition (other similar restaurants?) 


    3. Management (will you manage or perhaps leave it to Thai lady) 


    4. Target customer profile (farang/age, Thai/age) 


    5. Property (established already or will build) 


    It's not easy to really say much of anything useful without seeing a draft business plan. There are a few farangs who have been wildly successful in Thailand in Food & Beverage. The Wishbeer guys are a great example. A few years ago when they were putting their business plan together, they did some research on thr forums. You might be able to search and find the forum topics. 


    Good luck 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, manhood said:

    Thailand is one of the most dangerouse countries in the world for traveling!!!!

    And dont compare with Syria or anything like that....Safety first you can read everywhere but nobody at all care about safety as long pockets are filles with money and statistics are anyway manipulated by those who need to use them!


    So be aware on anthing you are doing in this country!

    Agree. In Thailand, death waits for us everywhere all the time by people who, while generally friendly, believe that safety doesn't really matter because life and death is a matter of luck and fate.


    A faulty elevator, a plane captain who is poorly trained, auto drivers who drive cars with the same casual lack of precision they use to walk, heavy truck drivers who drive them like they drive their motocys, poor dimly lit roads, bad or missing road signs, dangerous ungrounded electric work, fire exits locked and chained, buildings designed without any fire code safety, many people socialized to have fragile egos and prone to violence to solve disputes, agent orange chemicals being sprayed all over agriculture fields, ect ect ect. 


    Charming country but deadly as can be. 

  4. Nearly all the victims were/are Chinese. So western news media would not be likely to report on it much, but we can be guaranteed that it will be big news in China. And the Thais will likely take it more seriously than they would a mostly western victim trajedy because the Chinese are 1) more strategically important to Thai tourism long term and 2) the Chinese spook easily and 3) their government actually makes efforts to protect their interests abroad (unlike our western governments) 

    • Like 1
  5. 46 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    I most certainly do not agree, please show those surveys - sorry but I'm not going to take that on board without proof. I don't think your circle of friends reflect the sexuality of most of the population - just as I question the survey that's the subject of this thread.

    If I may ask, have you ever received a hand stimulation during a massage session in TH? 

    • Like 1
  6. 38 minutes ago, balo said:

    theync is the worst site on internet , posting pictures of dead people and suicides.  Avoid this site , anyone who goes there more than once should be checked for mental health. 

    Indeed, it appears to be the depths of humanity. I certainly won't be going back. However, the video in question is no worse than what the Thai local news show on television 

  7. Question. If a ladyboy is so elite that without considerable effort a man cannot identify her as such, what's the substantive difference between her and a woman who was born a female? 


    If the ladyboy thinks she's a woman and acts like one and feels like one, what's the problem? Of course, child bearing is one thing, but sex is same same as with a natural woman. Imitation crab tastes same as real crab. 

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    That link doesn't seem to be working. Can you post a link direct to whatever content you're talking about?

    Looks like the site it's hosted in unfortunately hosts pornograhy and other bad stuff. 


    It would be the first link when searching Google for the following:

    "theync" "dead people found under water"


    Discretion is advised. 

  9. Just now, KhaoYai said:

    Where do you get that from? That's a very wild claim.

    I saw surveys. Also nearly all my close expat friends have tried. They are all straight. Some tried ladyboy by accident and said it was not that bad. Especially oral sex is just simple thing. Mouth is mouth. Doesn't matter if male or female. It's not gay. You agree? 

  10. 41 minutes ago, bermannor said:

    What is a dense woman ??

    • Breast density is not based on how this area feels or the size but rather how it looks on a mammogram
    • Obviously never dated a black well fed woman.

    When you grab the thing, you can feel the weight of it. Indian women have particularly heavy breasts. I've been with black women as well. Same thing but particularly with that butts. Very heavy butts with lots of muscles. Their butta are even more muscular than those of average Asian men. I dont like it. Prefer soft, youthful and lighter weight breasts and butts. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, balo said:

    Iranian women can be stunning , never been to Iran , maybe just go there and see what happens. 



    I find the middle eastern women along with black and Indian women to be too dense. Compared to Asians, their butts are more muscled and their breasts heavier and a bit harder too. They are too sensual to enjoy more than very occasionally 

    • Sad 1
  12. There are two main reasons most blokes like Thai/Asian women. 


    1. They are diminutive in stature, making them appear youthful even into their middke age which satisfies our hebephilia instincts. 


    2. In the case of Thai women, many hundreds of thousands are available and undiscerning 


    In short, teenage- pubescent-looking women that will have us without much fuss. Powerful combination! 

    • Like 1
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  13. On 7/7/2018 at 12:16 AM, bermannor said:

    To name a girl "ugly" shows your character. Also those, you applauded you also. Obviously a meeting of 60+ Patty expats.

    I don't think saying this is a bad character reflection. There's a difference saying something anonymously and saying to someone's "you are ugly" or "your lady is ugly". Beauty standards for women are by and large more similar than not. 


    Thai women that the vast majority of farang end up with tend to be:


    1. Highly undesirable to local men

    2. Poorly educated (even by Thai standards) 

    3. Unable to converse in a mutually intelligible language 

    4. Dark, but we can discount that as Asians only dislike dark skin

    5. Splay-toed

    6. Former "bar girls" or "massage girls" or "hair dressers" which we all understand to mean hookers

    7. Short and relatively stocky by Asian standards 


    To each his own 

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  14. I really hope they can manage through to the end without many more accidents. Near electrocutions, pumping water back into the cave, blocked roads from double parking, one drowning by an unknown or unreported mishap, and now a car gone off a cliff. 


    Probably a bunch of other things we just don't hear about. 


    We all know how Thais work and their tendency toward near total disorganization and lack of attention to detail. So, for the sake of these innocent children, I REALLY hope the adults can be managed better. 

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