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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    has resurrected the island’s sinister reputation outside of Thailand

    The Thai Examiner fights the good fight, going to bat for 'isla de la muerte' and its sinister, but totally undeserved reputation. This could damage Thailand’s reputation as a vacation paradise; Shock, Gasp, Horror!  On the bright side, good chance the Chinese do not know about it, so no worries. Of course they do know about boat trips & boat sinkings in the islands. Good luck explaining that 'myth' away. 

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 hours ago, swissie said:

    - Is there something like "Over-Vaccination" with regard to Corona?

    Could be, Corona is a pretty good beer but too much is never a good thing. As for covid vaccinations there is a hospital less than 5 minutes away which will give me a booster, my last a bivalent was 5 months back. I have never heard of them refusing anyone. Still when creating OP's, hospitals will do anything you type.

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  3. It was reported by a backpacker couple, on a facebook page. they were asked for proof of vaccine at Nongkai bridge crossing last Saturday, days before any of this was supposed to be in effect. 
    Meanwhile Anutin has just said nevermind, hard U Turn, no proof of covid vaccinations needed. Still that might change by the end of the day, ha, LOL at LOS.


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  4. 1 hour ago, motdaeng said:

    your wrong, the north has most of the year pollution problems.

    It has hot season (non rain season) pollution, not "most of the year". That pollution buildup occurs across  mainland south east asia from Vietnam to Myanmar, & the subcontinent for that matter. Always has. 


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  5. 2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    I'm not sure why this even made the news.


    People get randomly attacked all over the world. God knows I was beaten up in Khon Kaen by a group of drunken Thai's just cos I was walking with my wife.


    If you scroll down, you will find this article. The RTP have been cracking down on illegal criminal business operated by Chinese nationals. An extremely touchy subject for Thailand. So much so, new directives have been issued.

    "The Royal Thai Police orders officers to stop revealing nationality information of foreigners arrested to the media "

    No better time to post up a distraction, even better if it is from the USA. It helps deflect attention.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Sid the Sexpat said:

    I am betting they’re not businessmen at all but lowlife criminals probably wanted in their home country of France?

    Wouldn't it be nice if we had a statement by the Frenchmen. Their version of this unfortunate incident. Sadly that is something the Thai press cannot do, or be allowed to do. That plus the doctored video makes the French "lowlife criminals" look innocent, and this nothing but a sham. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Dan O said:

    I suspect that three thai police or health dept staff did say ok you can go in but they didn't have that authority as usually happens in thailand.

    'Perhaps' someone did not like CNN reporting it, instead of parroting the official government approved press releases. Que up a manufactured, after the fact, law breaking outrage. That said I did like the squawking they had tourist visas, not work visas. A little comedy, in such a dark tragic time.

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  8. On 9/30/2022 at 2:45 PM, John Drake said:

    once again the US is abandoning the field to the Chinese. Chinese prestige up even more in Thailand. US prestige down. That reflects on those of us living here, too.

    Sounds like a realistic assessment that Thailand is Chinas ally. There is no field to abandon, the field is already Chinas and has been for some time. What could be gained by attending? Xi, will talk about not taking sides but they aid Russia as much as they can. That will not change. US support for Ukraine will not change. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by attending. Expats hopes and dreams, are not a factor in this.


    The US VP can make an appearance.  The Thai military can ask her about getting a few F35's. A good laugh can be had by all, then break the booze out and get the party started.

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  9. 10 hours ago, mania said:

    I think it is flooding like crazy right now isn't it?

    Pai for sure because of the river bursting its banks. Rain on the mountains.

    No. Not for Chiang Mai City. There was localized flooding on Friday when the big rains hit. You can always get pics on the news of some floods somewhere in the city or province. Driving to the Gym on Saturday morning some busines still had sandbags out, that from the day before. It has pushed a lot of accumulated debris into the river. The Ping river is ACTUALLY moving again, it had been a stagnant ditch for a couple months until the last ten days.

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