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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. Trump has an "affinity for open air rallies" because the lying grifter doesn't/can't pay the owners of indoor stadia and convention centres. This is why his maga morons have to stand in fields in the heat. Man of the people? My bottom!
  2. Come on then, tell us what right wing means. BTW I do know the origin of the term.
  3. The 10s of thousands of peaceful citizens who chased the Farridge Rioters off the streets are the good guys. The Farridge Rioters were Racist and Fascist. Hardly "meaningless" words.
  4. Hope you're saving up the rental payments from Pee Thaksin cos he's living in your head. "Royal pardon doesn't make him innocent". Hmm.... but an official "Certificate of Innocence" does though.
  5. Ah, forgot to mention. The right wing bigots who are crying that their patriotic heroes who are being rightly sentenced to long bird are silent on the subject of climate protesters being sentenced to 5 years bird for having a "zoom call" to maybe block a road. I think that even the most bigoted of the Farridge Rioters may see the equivalence....no hang on.
  6. Blimey you're frothing at the mouth rub*er Jonny F.
  7. I'm sure that Brit's viewing your far right drivel are equally thankful to this bloke called god that you left.
  8. Wow. Brilliant "back in yer face" response Fat person. Respect.
  9. These far right moronic thugs, aka Farridge rioters, have been cowed into silence by the true silent majority. A coalition of the left comprising anti racists, trade unionists and members of the general public who are fed up with the far right thugs looting their shops, setting fire to their cars whilst attempting to murder people in a hotel. The people facing up to these knuckle scrapers are "getting their country back". Suck it up rightards!
  10. Yawn .. another numpty who's fallen for the far right lies/innuendo of Farridge .
  11. You write similarly to the suddenly absent Susanlea. Are you related?
  12. In a similar fashion to Trump the UK's far right Farridge's stock has slumped after being exposed as one of the main inciters of hatred in UK.
  13. Good news indeed. Now go for those who incited these morons with distortion and downright lies. I watched an interview with "man of the people" Farridge in which he squirmed and deflected facts and allegations from interviewer Tom Swarbrick. Anybody in doubt that Farridge is a lying right wing grifter will have that doubt eroded after hearing Farridge say "not telling the truth is not the same as lying". Clacton, you're welcome to this grifter. Please keep him there.
  14. An anagram of Jenrick's constituency Newark is just what he is.
  15. Would you like to know that it took Trump 5 hours to offer troops whilst sitting in his bunker enjoying the insurrection that he fomented. Nah, you don't want to know.
  16. Move along folks. The show's over. Time for Mr T obsessives on A N. to pick another hate figure. Here's a suggestion: Suthep.
  17. How about 34 things just for a start.
  18. Shoehorning xenophobia into the subject. Classy!
  19. On Trump's watch how many Taliban did he free in exchange for US prisoners?
  20. Give it a rest flexible Jonny. Have a look at the Tory party appointees to top positions at the Beeb. "a leftist organization (sic)"! You cannot be serious. Far right Farridge is given more air time by Auntie Beeb than the whole Dimbleby family. The mere fact that those on the right think it's "leftist" and those of us on the left think it's too partial to the right must prove BBC is impartial.
  21. Jeez, there's a lot of insecure posters here fixating on a guy's name. Yes, your xenophobia is apparent on a daily basis. What would our resident xenophobes say if a brown skinned man had the name "Smith"?
  22. Wow, the OP has really triggered the Magamorons. This shows how rattled they are. This is a good thing.
  23. Evidence of such please. Fox "News" doesn't count.
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