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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. Ah of course, the “boat problem “ only became a problem on July 1st last year. Maybe Keir should ask the last government how they were so successful at “stopping the boats “.
  2. Village People singing YMCA maybe.
  3. Tell me Thaibeach/Susan. This Trump person who you are obsessed with: is he/she in the room with you now?
  4. Your obsession with Trump is a clue that your previous monikers were susanlea and thaibeachlovers. Am I right or am I right?
  5. I’m sure AN readers wish you a speedy recovery Beach. Well some of ‘em.
  6. I wasted 3 minutes of my life reading this garbage. Please give a warning to the more discerning AN readers that it’s “Bob” posting so your drivel can be swerved. It’s becoming confusing with so many posters changing names. E.G @susanlea who was shamed into changing his moniker. Now I find that the far right troll thaibeachlover has morphed into the Harrisbore
  7. I wonder if the usual “Londonistan”, “can’t touch Muslims” posters ( some of whom are from US) raised similar concerns when 1600 convicted, dangerous, white supremacy enthusiasts were released onto US streets by you know who. Tik tok……..
  8. Erm…Panama, Denmark, Greenland and Canada not to mention labeling the democratically elected president of Ukraine a dictator! Yet the MAGA morons paint we tree hugging, pinko lefties as the war mongers?
  9. Wrong. The “clown” running the Bank of England was responsible for ameliorating the mess that Truss inflicted upon the UK. This is just Truss pleading that she remains relevant. Still, it’s good to see the far right fighting like rats in a sack.
  10. You have a video of Gottfrid’s lunch? Please show.
  11. Jeez Bob, if that’s who you really are, your posts are so boring and full of negativity. You are one sad person.
  12. Hmm… a non partisan article from Bloomberg which states that things UK financially and employment wise ain’t as bad as the far right posters here wanted them to be. Suck it up eraser Jonny and greasy spoon!
  13. Whilst doing my annual extension last year the IO told my 15 year old daughter that in 3 years time she could come to Immigration alone and do my extension.
  14. More far right Torygraph drivel.
  15. The far right fighting like rats in a sack! I’m loving it.
  16. The moment I saw “Taxpayers Alliance” as the source of this drivel I knew what was coming. The T.A. along with other shadowy far right groups such as “Aims to Industry” and “European Research Group” operate out of 55 Tufton St, SW1. They all refuse to expose just who funds their far right agenda which is ultimately the dismantling of Democracy.
  17. These attention seekers are a menace.
  18. Private Eye has a circulation of 250,000. It is the only publication that holds government of all shades to account. I invite far right posters, who call it a lefty rag, to peruse the “Rotten Boroughs “ page. I doubt that it will change your minds but it might shut you up.
  19. You have no choice of sex of I.O. at BKK.The “snake “ queuing system has sorted that. I arrived at BKK the other week at Midday. There were many other flights arriving and the queues were a bit long but I saw Immigration officers open up other kiosks and got through in 15mins.
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