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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. You are quickly becoming identified as a hater of all things Thai. Do you even live here?
  2. However did these passengers book their seats? The Air Asia website is virtually impossible to navigate. I gave up on them 2 years ago and use Viet Air for domestic flights these days.
  3. If you’d read the Times article you would have seen that the MPs posting the disparaging remarks were right wing Labour MPs taking the p*ss out of left wing Labour MPs (Corbynistas). A weak try, no cigar.
  4. And your ripostes are getting more childish by the day. Grow up and deny Chomp’s gun lobby post. Thought not.
  5. You’ve nearly used up your SSQ (Socialist Slur Quota) for the day. Best you call your far right mates Yabadoo and Eraser Jonny to take up the baton.
  6. This article takes straw clutching to a new level. Murdoch’s New York Post loves the poorly educated.
  7. I always use metered taxis in cities. My last two metered trips: BKK to Silom 311 baht, Silom to BKK 315 baht. This was 3 weeks ago in average traffic.
  8. No mention of the fact that schools have been physically falling apart as a result of deliberate underfunding from Central Government to L.E.A. maintenance programs. Cue: “We’ve worked bloody hard to put Chelsea through private education now this Marxist government wants us to pay our way! How dare they “. Clue: Look who was in charge since 2010 until last year. There be the people who committed a sustained series of smash and grab raids on our public services.
  9. Wake up you MAGA morons. Your cult hero won the presidency by a whisker and he (probably his billionaire minders) has promised revenge upon comedians who mock him, the scientists who mocked him (Dr Faucci), the free speech media outlets who mock him, respected Republicans who mock him. See the pattern emerging here? Revenge and retribution but no reduction in the price of eggs. You guys have been played. Now you must own it.
  10. No. They’re embarrassed to be associated with their cult leader. Similar to the UK Brexitloons who have gone quiet now that all the evidence points to nothing but downsides to leaving the largest trading bloc in the world. Looking forward to your next stories from Soi 6 Bob.
  11. You must feel so much safer now that those 1600 oh so peaceful far right, full of love, happy souls have been released into the community. Your pathetic attempts to paint “Leftists “ as synonymous with “hatred” fail scrutiny as always but I’m sure eraser Jonny will be along to back you up soon. Peace and love mate.
  12. His Trump brown tongueing posts are becoming increasingly unhinged . Just heard that Trump tariffs have been shelved for 30 days. Ha hahaha!
  13. Free public transport in order to reduce car usage and emissions. That’s a positive step.
  14. Yeah so life changing that Greenlanders polled 86% for telling the orange moron to go “do one “.
  15. To pick on just one lie from this typical Torygraph drivel: Britain is not a “predominantly Christian country “. The 2021 census showed that over half of Brits have no faith whatsoever. This alone shows that Britain is indeed a “predominantly Secular country “.
  16. Ah, the old far right “2 Tier Britain” slur. I actually agree that double standards are in play here. Environment campaigners are jailed for up to 5 years for planning (not committing) to cause disruption on a motorway. Rich landowners driving tractors worth £100k+ bring chaos to London by blocking Whitehall and the surrounding area yet are given a free pass. Yup. That’s 2 tier Britain in my book!
  17. You must be very upset then that there will be 1,600 more convicted violent criminals on the streets thanks to Trump’s pardons.
  18. You seem to be quite knowledgeable on the subject of Mental Health Services.
  19. The topic is about cannabis and laughing gas yet half of the posters seem obsessed with the names of the British young men. Your thinly veiled racism is exposing your ignorance guys.
  20. Note that the far right posters have picked Orban as their new poster boy. Orban: the guy who bans free speech in news outlets. Hmm…slippery slope guys.
  21. Exactly Jonathon. I’ve asked the resident Mr T hate mob on AN many times if they’ve nothing else in their lives over which to get so exercised. Their obsession with whether an old man had a bad neck or not is irrational. Sad people.
  22. Positive plans yet nothing but negative snide comments from the resident Mr T hate mob on AN.
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