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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. Jeez will you just give it a rest. Nowhere in the post does it say that it’s only Brits being warned of the scam. Your discriminatory posts are flagging you as far right and of low IQ.
  2. Wow, a win double! The first 2 posts managed to swerve the actual topic and weave their petty grievances about Farridge rioters and online inciters of violence against terrified humans being brought to justice, Mwaa….. As the UK and PNG have signed an extradition treaty there should be no problem in returning this guy to face a trial. Meanwhile he’s innocent until proven guilty. Resident racist AN posters, find a less flimsy post on which to fly your flag.
  3. Erm well, 75+ million votes went against Trump so not “everyone is a moron”.
  4. You certainly are struggling. Power blackouts and 3 day weeks occurred under Tory Ted Heath’s administration. Sky high interest rates happened in Mad Bat Thatcher’s last days before even the Tories realised what a millstone she was. I remember my mortgage rate in 1990/1 was 15.4%. Nice try but no cigar.
  5. The Republican apologists on here who are still drunk on their “landslide “ election win are in denial that the “Marxist, woke extreme Democrats “ got to within 1 percentage point of the MAGA mob. Maher is desperate to remain relevant. It’s Jimmy Kimmel for me.
  6. Who is this “other daughter “ who “intends to come back”?
  7. Did you read the article? The NSB aka the Dutch Nazi Party. Yet another lame attempt at shoehorning your obsession with Socialism into the debate. Still, you won me 100baht cos I bet my mate Malcolm that you would be along soon with your outright lie that there was an equivalence between socialism and naziism.
  8. You really should read the truth (yeah I know it’ll be difficult for you to swallow) but, apart from your correct point about the wife beating fraudster Yaxley-Lennon being a racist and hate monger, the reason that the little man is banged up is because he is guilty of contempt of court and is thus in jail.
  9. Good Job that UK got rid of the government that didn’t protect their borders then eh?
  10. Looking forward to reading the frothing comments from AN’s rabid right wing posters. I wonder if they will acknowledge that the ULEZ policy was born during the Mayoralty of the disgraced former PM Johnson.
  11. “Tory Supporting Guardian “? No need to read beyond that lie.
  12. More far right drivel from A.N. driveler in chief. To expose your far right garbage for exactly what it is: the National “Socialist” party of the late 1920s into the 30s came to power by erm…..attacking Socialists. There sorted for ya.
  13. A.N. is full of victim blamers. Phuket is the worst of Thailand. Steer clear of the dump.
  14. “All of us normal Americans “? Ha ha ha. Pray tell oh normal one: what’s your slant on the latest far right act of terrorism in Magdeburg Germany? On subject: I lived in Chiang Mai 20 years ago and ex president Carter and his wife used to turn up to work on a housing project for low/no income families. A great man. Cant see Trump being so selfless.
  15. Oh dear, the cracks are showing before the clown show begins. Even the dwindling number of MAGAs on here are slowly coming around to see they’ve been played. My bet that Trump won’t last the term looks safer by the day.
  16. A “Politics of envy” post will be along soon.
  17. Erm…Let’s just start with his latest porkie: He said that the Cabinet Office security told him to not open a surgery to meet constituents because he would be put in danger. No such advice was given. On your questioning the veracity of LBC: yeah I agree that any radio station employing the grifter Farridge should come under scrutiny but hey, the person being interviewed by Tom Swarbrick was Farridge himself. Await your rebuttal.
  18. Erm….shall we start with walking through a predominantly Jewish neighborhood at night singing “gas them all” whilst at the prestigious Dulwich college.
  19. Because he’s a liar, racist and an inciter of riots (source, interview with Tom Swarbrick on LBC). As an MEP he took the money from the EU but didn’t attend any committee meetings. As an MP in UK he hasn’t represented his constituents in Clacton, spending more time in US. That’s just a fraction of why Farridge is a disgrace.
  20. Trump couldn’t point to Qatar on a map let alone establish any accords. Unless you mean that he signed papers, which he hadn’t read, thrust under his nose . That’s not establishing.
  21. The president who you sneeringly refer to as “a peanut farmer “ doesn’t have a multiple bankruptcy history . 100 year old ex President Carter was, into his 90s, building affordable housing around Chiang Mai. He and his wife physically and financially contributed to the project. Somehow I can’t imagine the orange grifter being quietly involved in such philanthropy.
  22. In your defense of the indefensible your posts are highlighting just how unsavory your hero is. ”only liable for sexual assault!” Well that’s ok then. What a man! When you’ve dug yourself into a hole, as you have, it’s best to stop digging.
  23. So Hawaii is a country eh? Bet you think Africa is a country also.
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