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Everything posted by baboon

  1. Why would the French deliberately create the queues?
  2. Give them a bit of a break, Chomper. You have to feel for them, sometimes. I wouldn't fancy coming on here and admitting for actually VOTING to make my and others' lives worse. Not only admit it, but claim to be PROUD of it. I doubt I could look myself in the mirror again...
  3. And what is even worse, crow about it in the face of objective reality.
  4. The way the UK is behaving towards the EU, I have a feeling the French response would be 'Good riddance. They are nothing but troublemakers anyway.'
  5. "That's lefty rubbish, and a PP queue is of no importance to me, as we have all been in one at one time or another." Typical Boomer. 'A PP queue is of no importance to ME and ME is all that matters. Screw anybody else.'
  6. Just read it as 'I have no idea' and save yourself the bother...
  7. Yes, the freedoms to be poorer and queue for hours at Passport Control are precious indeed and should be cherished....
  8. 'Pfft. What would the Port of Dover's chief executive know' will be following shortly...
  9. Only goes to show how thick a lot of voters are, in that case. It isn't like they weren't warned...
  10. Simple agreements COULD (have) been made, but we told the EU we didn't want any. This chaos is what the Brexit voters actually voted for.
  11. This is what 'we' voted for. This is what 'we' wanted. No point in getting upset, then.
  12. And? Who doesn't know that? However I argue that we should not live in a state of perpetual fear. If you want to, please do.
  13. I do not use prostitutes, nor is my relationship with Mrs baboon in any way 'safe'. I can't stand her and she can't stand me. But what is your point?
  14. Private cars, too. Do they contain any taxable or banned goods en route to EU countries? But how you and others remain patient in the light of the rank idiocy posted by Brexit fantasists on here, deserves quite a bit of respect.
  15. Aach, we are all going to die. Again. Well obviously we ARE all going to die, but a state of perpetual panic isn't going to improve the quality of life in the Here and Now. What is the point of life if it is lived in constant terror? We may as well just all hang ourselves tonight. As an aside, I died twice in an ambulance last year. I didn't find the death part to be in any way inconvenient. The resuscitation, however, was miserable...
  16. Have I been having any success with what?
  17. You do realise you won't get anywhere with these people using facts...? Just make something up and demand it to be taken as the truth.
  18. I didn't. Who called the referendum?
  19. Cabinet government. Collective responsibility, I think.
  20. 'It isn't happening and anyway, it is all the EU's fault. Everything is.'
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