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Everything posted by baboon

  1. Bit early in the day to be starting on the hard stuff, isn't it?
  2. Was what I said incorrect? Or do you mean they need defending from thoughts and opinions?
  3. Fortunately the OP is a Daily Mail article and therefore hardly likely to be the exact, literal and absolute truth.
  4. We became poorer on the night of the referendum when the pound crashed, years before Covid and Ukraine. Today we are poorer still.
  5. Ah. So now it matters what job you did as part of the patriot qualifying criteria. I see. Does a binman or a postal worker have any less right to retire abroad now than a squaddie?
  6. Which was to be made poorer and their country turned into a joke worldwide. Yes! Result!
  7. You asked my opinion and I gave it to you. That you don't like it is no concern of mine.
  8. Aren't they surrounded by armed guards? How much more defence do they need?
  9. In my opinion, Brits should not choose to live abroad and harp on about how wonderful Britain is to all and sundry. It makes them look foolish.
  10. You have to love these Poundland patriots who love Britain so much that they choose to live in Thailand.
  11. Your "flag" post was removed as being a troll post. Enough said.
  12. Complete and utter rubbish. Though I do note your true colours. Did you abandon the UK just after Oswald Mosley died?
  13. Nothing like this place of late for weighty political analysis....
  14. Would that also apply to virtually EVERY country in Europe and not just the UK. Yes of course it would. I thought I had made that clear.
  15. 'Take a look at the average person on the street. Then remember half the population are even stupider than they are...'
  16. Turkeys voting for Christmas is certainly democracy, UK style.
  17. You do not speak for me. I did not vote to be poorer and have my country made a worldwide laughing stock.
  18. My argument is that for a country supposedly modelling itself on the life and teachings of Christ, it could never have been right.
  19. You get to look at them if you pay enough money, what more do you want...?
  20. Imperialism was the norm, but hanging children for stealing bread was also once the norm. That doesn't make it right. It is interesting that while a country would march its troops into somebody else's territory, subjugate the people and steal their sh!t, back at home there were strict laws and penalties against theft. And in the case of 'Christian' countries, just where did Christ give the OK for it? I am inclined to agree with the second part of what you wrote. I have German pals who feel they have no need to apologise to me for the third reich and I in turn feel I have no right to demand any such apology. What happened was nothing to do with us.
  21. Was imperialism ever 'right'? Basically big people picking on little people? And invariably those who accuse others of "pushing an agenda" are the ones doing so themselves.
  22. ^^ Can somebody interpret the above gibberish for me? Thanks in advance.
  23. And drugged out of his mind, if I recall correctly.
  24. As others have said, pour your brew into a flask or container, be discreet and there won't be an issue. The staff really don't care unless you are kicking off.
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