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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. My opinion: the deterrent value is very small, and it will not work as desired ie make a meaningful improvement in Thai driving. For instance drink driving is 3 points......you can drink and drive 4 times before losing your license....is this insane or is it insane......speeding is 1 point, so you can speed all the time.
  2. What's with the fish lips? Everybody seems to have them these days....must be like kissing a salmon.
  3. Another idiot making predictions that bear no semblance to reality. However, if true, it will be time to either buy a hotel, or high tail it out of LOS and find some place with no tourism industry at all.
  4. Great idea to save money but I for one won't want to sail on this ship, even if they change its name.
  5. Deal with it for goodness' sake. I can't stand this will we/won't we about casinos. There is no issue....allow casinos for 3 years and if there are people harmed by gambling, close them all down.
  6. Clever. By linking the word "TrendyC2" and Thailand.....then Gen Z and X will flock to Thailand spending money like it's water. A cunning plan. Who comes up with these plans anyway, Somchai Baldrick?
  7. God save us. Better Prayut than this watch borrower. Look at Prawit's wrists and tell me if any other humans have wrists as large.
  8. I don't think you can 'buy your way out of this.' If the 150,000 fee is only payable if they hit water then you lose nothing by having them drill. However 150,000 is a lot of money and there might be a temptation to claim the money if they hit a sewer pipe....although most Thais would resist such a temptation.
  9. Zero (0) drivers have points deducted on second day of new rules.
  10. Perhaps I have been in Thailand too long, but I cannot believe any Cabinet statement promising to make my life easier or less bureaucratic. Thais have a genius for changing things (how many other countries change their immigration laws every week....ok I am exaggerating a little)....but they rarely if ever make things better, easier or less bureaucratic.
  11. Clearly the roads are not "enforced". They are full of potholes.
  12. The Chinese are the only Asian race that Westerners cannot be openly bigoted about. Western governments and media with their sino-phobia, have green lighted this bigotry.
  13. How come all these anonymous people are so successful???? and have lame excuses for what they do???? Pardon my skepticism.
  14. "and at least 20 million visitors, not including 180 million mainland Chinese travelers and domestic travelers." Does anyone else think this sounds strange. If you add the 180 million Chinese mainland travellers and domestic travellers to the 20 million international arrivals.....you get 200 million tourists in total.
  15. I would imagine the cops who caught them. Isn't that how Ferrari Joe got his collection. Andrew Tate wannabes?
  16. Yes, let's sure we make on changes in substance, let's make a few cosmetic changes.....
  17. There is a need to make this reciprocal.
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