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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I don't have a great deal good to say about this company. Their vans scream all over the place weaving in and out in small soil. One thing they do is call multiple times to check the address and we live on a main road through the village.

    I always order COD. We have had many things wrong from the internet company eg replacement electric toothbrushes that show the item then send another type of brush....trying to rectify such issues is more than I can stand to do. I was a big Amazon user before I came here, you never get this nonsense with them.

  2. I used to hedge with a UK company called World First the biggest currency traders in the world. I have small assets in the UK, but a lot in the US and when I retired a lot in Japan. For the few years before retiring I would buy other currencies eg Swiss franc, Canadian Loonie, Aussie dollar on the theory that not all currencies go down together. I was not trying to make money understand, but just to hedge and preserve purchasing power. It worked very well for a period until my account was moved from Britain to Australia where World First is not a deposit taking institution. I had to get rid of the money with in a month. Basically I changed it all into baht (which was the currency I was spending in). At the time the US dollar was 33 to the baht and is now 30. Other currencies were similar.....I built my house with Japanese yen that I earned at 120 to the $, it was about 80 to the dollar when I paid for the house. My advice is not the speculate but to try to conserve your purchasing power.

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  3. 20 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

    A non-imm O visa based on marriage to a Thai from the UK for 60 or 90 days depending what you can get...


    Get here, and put 400K into a bank account. Wait 60 days, then go to local immigration and ask for a list of everything else you need, such as house book, photos inside home, and with neighbours etc.. They have a pre-printed list of you can get from their website.


    Fill everything in and get a letter from the bank saying this is a accurate bank statement. 


    Immigration will give you a 60 day extension and tell you to come back after that and your visa will be ready, extendable after 12 months.



    Is that a Mk 3 Cortina in your pic?

  4. 2 hours ago, djayz said:

    We are only "dirty farang" if we take such comments to heart. See it for what it really is: an ignorant comment made by an ignorant human (this guy, not the general population) who only has his position thanks to family connections. If he didn't have those, he'd be driving a tuktuk.

    Once you understand that, you can take everything he says with a pinch of salt. A little like not taking the likes of Trump seriously. 

    A good philosophy.

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