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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. No fear of death from me and I don't cry at funerals either. I'd prefer a good death ie to die in your sleep at night or have a massive heart attack.....but if I get death along with a slow, painful disease then so be it. I have lived with intractable pain in my feet for the last 8 years, and at first it was a disaster for me. Now I have accepted that it is part of my daily life, I find that I can still enjoy life each day. 

    My main concern is keeping out of hospitals. If there is no prospect of them taking action which improves your quality of life long term then you have no business being in there racking up debt. Many patients in hospital have no need to be in there.....they can just as well lie in bed at home taking a few paracetamols and extra fluids for viral infections. If I had cancer I wouldn't go through all those surgeries and chemo....just give me a big dose of barbiturates and a bottle of Jack.

    It is time to bring in assisted dying. 

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  2. Yes I have had a bad experience with this. I was quoted 6000 for a root canal....I had asked for an extraction but the dentist said no need. Well it wound up costing more than 30,000, what with root planing, filling with bone powder (which fell straight out and cost 10,000). Months after the procedure my tooth was still painful.


    A friend recommended a clinic in Pattaya. The dentist took a panorex and said the tooth needed to come out as there was very little bone there (1000 baht), he recommended an extraction (10,000 baht). I then got a 'dry socket' which was painful and cost another 1000 in consultation fees. To be fair the Pattaya clinic was excellent....new clean equipment and perfect English. The dry socket was just bad luck.

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  3. I read yesterday that they found a new mutation in Australia.....more virulent and more contagious. I think the future of COVID and the time scale will depend on the efficacy of the newly discovered vaccines against mutations. 

    I wouldn't bet on re-opening of Thailand next year.

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    • Confused 1
  4. I'd say 150-250K depending on number of people at around 1000 baht per head, music 25K, priests (depends on how many, Booze depends pn how many etc.


    We just did a cheapo monk initiation for a nephew which cost about 175000 gross....but I demanded the envelopes and got 87000 back.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Whale said:

    LOTs of O-As coming back in November, Facebook full of their stories of the application process and flights.

    I wonder what Covid insurance costs them....and whether they get in without the 400/40K mandated medical insurance for non OA holders. My retirement visa is a simple Non O with a once yearly extension. I have never been asked about insurance. I was under the impression that nonO was much more common that non-OA.

  6. 2 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

    The vaccines are in development stage and seem to be 90%, at best, effective. The adverse risk scared Government of Thailand is unlikely to open its doors to tourists quickly even after the vaccine is released. Most of Thailand's population would have to be vaccinated before that could be considered safe.

    I haven't ever seen what "effectiveness" means in these studies? Are that all using the same standard definition....for example does 90% effective mean that if people 10 people out of 100 taking placebo would catch COVID vs only 1 taking the vaccine or does it mean that if 100 people take the vaccine only 10 will catch the disease which is of course not very impressive? Are the studies done in a lab or in a real life situation?

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