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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. There is bias in everything we see. We see that even AI programs develop biases over time. This was reported 4 or so years back. I say absolutely no censoring by the likes of FaceBook, who are they to decide. I would like notifications. This morning I saw that Donald Trump's tweets were carrying a warning notice from Twitter saying that the information in the tweet may not be true or reliable. This is helpful and not heavy handed in my mind.

  2. 14 minutes ago, jobsworth said:

    Do you not think that the NSA and GCHQ are not doing exactly the same thing and sharing information with the 5 eyes (USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and UK).

    The difference is my data are useless to Chinese but could be useful to the country of my citizenship, if I, for example, were to send an email with objectionable non PC language in it...call it hate speech or terrorist speech.

  3. I brought two iPhones SEs for myself and wife last year..but how disappointing. Mine has a <deleted> batteries last 1 day max and the counter is unreliable so you look and see 70% left, then ten minutes later it is telling you you have only 15%....and stuff like FaceTime or Line really eat up the battery. Honestly it is a ball ache having to charge it all the time. I couldn't recommend iPhones. On the other hand my wife seems to have no issues with hers.

    I had a Samsung J7 that was quite cheap before these SEs. It was great in all respects, but I wanted a smaller screen and so bought the Apples. Basically threw my money away.

  4. I bought a Toyota Vigo in 2008. The tires did 150K and still had plenty of tread on them over 9 years. The wife kept complaining that her brother had told her the tires were too old and were dangerous. I said '<deleted>' and carried on driving. Then she refused to get in the car at all...she solved the problem by having a new set of tyres put on while I was away fishing.

    • Haha 1
  5. You can't help but laugh. These "leaders" take themselves so seriously. Reducing road deaths in Thailand is not rocket science....a 6 years old in England could tell them the answers but they won't listen, insisting a endless series of "crackdowns" will do the job. The laws exist they need to be enforced.


    Start by punishing the parents of underage kids driving motorcycles, and not with a 200 baht fine......confiscate the bike and give a 50K fine. Grow from there into proper driving skills tests....

  6. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Riding a bike big or small does expose you to many perils a car driver is shielded from, having said that, good driving and awareness skills of the road dynamics as to what are the cars  around doing put you in a better position to come back home safe every time...

    75% of road deaths in Thailand are motorcyclists. Problem with bikes is it doesn't matter who is at fault, it is the bike driver who gets hurt.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

    Surely this will result in Pattaya becoming even more congested, especially when & if tourism regains any significant ground.

    I'm pretty sure Pattaya will come back, certainly not this year, probably not in 2021 either. I just wonder what all the bureaucrats planning these changes do't destroy the whole thing.....and when government money is involved (I read) 30-50% of the budget goes in graft to support the lifestyles ion the anonymous men who runt he place. It's why the quality of the infrastructure doesn't last longer than the paint drying.

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  8. Reading this, I need a plan to move somewhere else. I have had a non O retirement extension for about 10 years. I am not married to my Thai partner as I am married already to someone else , and she doesn't want to marry either for financial reasons. 

    I decided to stay here through the Covid panic and so won't need to do anything until general of extension (next March). I have no insurance either (I have the funds to self insure).

    Might I expect some serious problems at renewal????

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