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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I came through Suvarnabhumi a couple of weeks ago. Arrived on an A380 and expected massive queues at passport control. Turns out the place was totally deserted at midday. There were no arrivals in immigration and I was able to walk right up to a booth and was out in minute. Luggage arrived as I got to the carousel. No stopped at customs and was out in arrivals are at 12:15 which was the supposed landing time. I didn't see any of the 10 million other arrivals.
  2. The last thing I read on this....some time ago....was very disappointing. It was about the fast train up to Nong Khai.....it said that the train would not be a bullet train but a fast train travelling a 80 kph (50 miles and hour) and would make frequent stops. Looking at the tracks, they seem too narrow for Japanese style bullet trains which are wide gauge.
  3. Look for the EC to remove some of the party list seats from the minority parties and donate them to the junta.
  4. Good news....this on again/off again nonsense cannot go on. There is no need for weed in your life and people using it as a crutch need to man up. I support real medicinal use controlled in hospitals.
  5. These motorbikes driving on the wrong side of the road are a menace.
  6. Maybe I have been in Thailand for too long, but I cannot see any way Pita will become PM and lead a coalition government. With the Senate, EC, CC and military all dead set against losing power and risking a new and fair constitution becoming a reality, I cannot see he will not be disqualified, his party disbanded or some other dirty ploy to keep him out of office. As I say, maybe I have been here too long.
  7. You run a ministry to get ultra rich.....that's how it works, as minister you get X% of the value of all procurement
  8. How can you be "clean as well" when you sell your soul for a minister's seat (Jurin voted for Prayuth to be PM because he wanted to be a Minister again)? Hey, just asking'.
  9. Is there a more useless institution in Thailand than the EC?
  10. "Never anticipate a profit; always anticipate a loss" is an old accounting adage. Seems that here in Thailand, whenever someone dreams ups forecast (and I mean dreams up), the money's already in the bank.
  11. Go to any market and shout out that you have coins to trade for notes.....you will be inundated.
  12. Another of Prayut's key accomplishments.....a total .......up of educmacation here.
  13. America loves a 'persecuted victim' so for my money, Tucker will win this conflict. But $20 a year to sit back and do nothing....that would really tempt me.,
  14. From my perspective, it is a good idea if it cuts the numbers of travellers at Suvarnabhumi. I am travelling less and less so the impact on me is less than $100 a year. The problem is: will the money be well spent, or just end up in hi-sos' pockets as graft.
  15. If he gets his care fixed what is he bitching about? A grifter, it seems.
  16. No interest in any EV.....I'll stick with ICE/diesel as long as one can buy them.
  17. A couple of checks of mine were missing earlier in the year. I'll check when I get back home.
  18. Biden's too old and too senile to be put in any jail cell. Impeach him, threaten him with massive sentences to get him to cooperate.....yes, but give the bastard bail. The same doesn't go for Hunter....throw him in the deepest darkest prison and toss away the key.
  19. Can't we have someone who is honest and competent instead of Prayut. It's like that Einstein-inain thing about voting for the same guy over and over and expecting a different result. Prayut has amply demonstrated that however marvellous he might be at other stuff, being PM is not his forte. Where is my happiness? He banged on with lies about returning happiness to the people, well I want to know what happened to my happiness as it didn't come back.
  20. Silly me.....and here was me, thinking that the rise in electricity prices was due to an increase in the cost of the fuels used to generate electricity. Glad we have such in-depth experts who can tell us that it was the hot weather that caused the increase. I'll pay my bill more quickly now that I know it is my fault.
  21. Don't be silly this is just a basement room for short people and for sleeping people.....why invest millions just so a few tall people, like farangs, can stand up. It's modelled on the tiger cages the Viet Song used.
  22. If I were you, I would get on a plane and got back to wherever you came from and get a second opinion. This exact thing happened to a friend of mine and they told him he had cancer and needed a colostomy. He went home and they treated him. A colonoscopy; and resected a couple of polyps. It is difficult to understand that a doctor here could advise a patient to have such radical surgery for no reason at all, simply to enrich the doctor or hospital.
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