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Everything posted by Umlungu

  1. Had a house built, lived in it for 8 years, sold at 2.5mb net profit.
  2. So what happens next? Bulldoze the lot and reinstate the hill environment to its oiginal state? doubt it. Who would pay for that?
  3. Where's the local, national criminal hub in Thailand, then, since you are so well informed?
  4. Locals too incompetent to do the job. So get some expats in to do it properly, on time, own tools, cleaning up and honest pricing.
  5. Who would give him a job? You? Probably not. Circuses are a dying breed, so I guess parliament is the next best employer.
  6. With a dress like that she'd be invisible lying down on a zebra crossing.
  7. People cannot manage their finances. She was a businesswoman, to boot, running a restaurant. And she doesn't know how to budget, balance a budget, adjust her income and expenses accordingly? Unbelievable. It reminds me of Thais who bought a certain car brand, obviously happy with their purchase at the time. Later, the company changes its pricing, offering the same product cheaper. Suddenly the Thais who bought the product prior want a refund or some sort of financial compensation. Real world? What if the car company would have increased their prices? Would the same Thais have queued up at the cashier to pay the extra difference? Of course not. They are, mostly, financially immature and naive.
  8. Most people (tourists) who enter will also leave. So you pay your entry ffe at the exit, in good time, with your leftover baht, get a sticker as a receipt and present at counter. No sticker/receipt - no check-in - no departure. Works wonders.
  9. Back to the 60s: change money at airport bank upon arrival, pay cash, no credit cards, no language issues, and if you fit the category of too old, or no money, then you should consider giving travelling a miss for a while.
  10. Add to all this nonsense the umpteenth re-introduction of the 300 baht tourism tax. What a joke it all is.
  11. Dumbest reply ever. Suggesting to run/go away instead of dealing with and resolving issues.
  12. A bit like the white man's settlement a few years ago - except that that involved murder, rape, expropriation and genocide. So, what is your problem, really?
  13. It shows the reaction of the two women. They got up and walked away. If the video is uncut and shows a historic and accurate time line, wouldn't you think the woman concerned would feel her back (where she was allegedly kicked), cry out in pain, remonstrate with the alleged perpetrator, and cause an argument? None of that. Both just walked away. One would assume the story was subsequently inflated and embellished with all sorts of different claims.
  14. Wow, thank you so much for the detailed info provided. I'll give it a go, it's a novel concept to me.
  15. Would it be possible to name this prepared meal delivery service, please? Are we talking GRAB etc and ordering from some food outlet, or is it a separate proper kitchen offering a service based on a -set- menu? Can you point me in the proper direction?
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