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Everything posted by Umlungu

  1. Send the submarine. Oh wait, no engine!
  2. If she hadn't come to visit Thailand this incident would not have happened. So whose fault is it then ? Hers, of course. AN readers know the drill.
  3. Comparison to readers' competency in the Thai language is a dumb argument. Such readers don't pose as a 'journalist' on a Thai language website and don't post in Thai. There is no reason to have to put up with bad English by so-called journalists if they are not up to it. Get someone else, there are lots of Thais competent and fluent in English, and able to consult a dictionary as well.
  4. Indeed. Dreadful English by the writer of the article (wouldn't call that journalism). What's a walkway in the context of an aircraft?
  5. Don't forget the fruit basket.... What about a refund?
  6. Nobody would have been forced into the water wearing life vests if they hadn't come to Thailand to visit. Their fault.
  7. The ferry wouldn't have sunk if there hadn't been all these dirty foreigners wanting to go to Death Island. Better, the ferry wouldn't have sunk if someone hadn't actually built it! Sorry, still working on my book "Thai Logic for Dummies".
  8. Economics 101 in TH: double the price to make up for lost sales volume.
  9. We can do a quantitative analysis and it will show, despite all the denials that "we met in the local library", that the vast - vast - majority of Thai females engaged with foreigners are there for financial benefits only. Just accept it for what it is.
  10. I refer you to MTG in the US. If you don't know the background you won't understand. Nothing to do with the Stasi whatsoever, btw.
  11. Heil mein Fuehrer. You could double up as a member of the gespacho police.
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