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Everything posted by Umlungu

  1. Nobody would have been forced into the water wearing life vests if they hadn't come to Thailand to visit. Their fault.
  2. The ferry wouldn't have sunk if there hadn't been all these dirty foreigners wanting to go to Death Island. Better, the ferry wouldn't have sunk if someone hadn't actually built it! Sorry, still working on my book "Thai Logic for Dummies".
  3. Economics 101 in TH: double the price to make up for lost sales volume.
  4. Garbage fetish?
  5. Google MTG, US House of Reps member, for the reference.
  6. We can do a quantitative analysis and it will show, despite all the denials that "we met in the local library", that the vast - vast - majority of Thai females engaged with foreigners are there for financial benefits only. Just accept it for what it is.
  7. I refer you to MTG in the US. If you don't know the background you won't understand. Nothing to do with the Stasi whatsoever, btw.
  8. Nobody wants Thai hookers over there.
  9. Heil mein Fuehrer. You could double up as a member of the gespacho police.
  10. Boarding for a flight to the UK would take three hours........
  11. No, just a Thai wai he learnt from his money-sucking Thai 'wife'
  12. Yeah, like the British did with their bread thieves. The klink was called Australia. Unfortunatelt they have lifted the travel ban for Australians, you don't need the sign to find the flight check-in counter for Perth - just look at the unkempt slobs in the queue.
  13. You are correct, of course. However, this news item and subsequent comment relate not to those savages in other countries, but explicitly "these savages" right here. Savages of the world - unite!
  14. Soft opening? Is the machine ging to gobble up your passport (soft cover nationalities preferred)
  15. Are they sure those machines aren't old TOT fixed line pay phones - polished and resprayed?
  16. Same here. After the third ticket they stopped me taking any more. So, in the end, the mafia taxi drivers ended up laughing because they had the monopoly on vehicular transport. Wonder, though, what happens to those taxis whose numbers were discarded by me, but the machine issues sequential numbers, so are they still in the running for a customer?
  17. "Also, wasn't the title used here a week ago: "Norwegian man murders his Thai boyfriend in Chiang Mai" with several people noting that there should be a presumption of innocence? I guess this latest development proves their point..." Defamatory comment?
  18. Time for landlords to clamp down on such behaviour by issuing detailed and tough rental contracts, specifying immediate eviction and forfeiture of any security deposit in case of an inspection failing basic standards of cleanliness (24 hours advance notice), failure to pay rent or utilities on time (landlords can monitor electricity accounts on PEA app ,for example) or not conducting a proper return handover of the properrty at the contract conclusion. Security deposit should be up to three monthly rents by now, in line with inflation (deposit amount must correlate with reasonable expenses such as replacement of damaged or stolen items, outstanding rent or utilities for the final (pro-rata) billing period. and labour costs.
  19. Lieutenant General Surachate has directed law enforcement agencies to closely monitor the movements and activities of people from Lebanon, Iran, and Palestine What about the tuk tuk drivers in Phuket?
  20. Nothing mental. No upbringing, laziness, simple disrespect for the owner. I guess there is no cleaning app to do the work whilst lying on the sofa.....
  21. Too many of these naive, uneducated so-called influencer types everywhere now. Like a pest. How to pack your bag, tie your shoe laces and travel on a train. One of these folks, a woman, took a night train CM to Bkk and then compained that the sun set almost when leaving the station and she couldn't view the countryside.....
  22. There are no innocents. If you don't like it, change it. Yes, that means you. Get up, stand up for your rights - or whatever. Don't run away.
  23. It will be a cultural shock for many German tourists to see how Thailand really looks nowadays. A broken country. A completely rotten railway system with no train on time, city centers occupied by young men from Africa, daily rape and knife murder, and a police, courts and media which all turn a blind eye on that and often even blame the victims, and a government with the most uneducated politicians in the world.
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