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Everything posted by Umlungu

  1. Bob Scott writing about a Scot. Most likely a brickie and gofer stopping over for some Sex in the City.
  2. It was written by Bob Scott from Newcastle.
  3. Just calling it for what it is.
  4. Total nut job. An 'influencer' - that alone says it all. Well, no more influencing coming out of him, other than the last message mot to try a meaningless and idiotic stunt like this 'at home'.
  5. Now if the tourists hadn't come to Thailand, this wouldn't have happened. Their fault. Deport them.
  6. Not to be confused with a real or imaginary buffalo that has as many lives as an Issaan bar fraulein has casual acquaintances from far flung foreign lands, dying multiple deaths in its sacrifice on the altar, sorry, Al Tar Machine.
  7. After that, did it still work on the phone? If not, try your old brick phone.
  8. Have used the online reporting system now approximately ten times. Never a problem. Just lodged my form online on Sunday, all approved today, Tuesday. Using Chrome, pw set ages ago, and same email address as well. Btw, this time round was the first report after returning from overseas, with the 90 days commencing from day of entry. Worked perfectly.
  9. Any good real estate avlble out there? What about mosquitos?
  10. Maybe try standing on the back step of a moving songthaew. clinging to a handrail, and urinating onto the road. Seems to be quite the rage these days. If possible, take a selfie and post online after having departed the country.
  11. Spade and shovel are distinctly different in shape and use. Bad analogy.
  12. Send the submarine. Oh wait, no engine!
  13. Also elephants, tigers and tuk tuks.
  14. If she hadn't come to visit Thailand this incident would not have happened. So whose fault is it then ? Hers, of course. AN readers know the drill.
  15. I'd read it as 4 four hospitals..... not 9
  16. If the shark was standing upright, it was a 90 degree murder.
  17. Better to take the arvo flight, then?
  18. Comparison to readers' competency in the Thai language is a dumb argument. Such readers don't pose as a 'journalist' on a Thai language website and don't post in Thai. There is no reason to have to put up with bad English by so-called journalists if they are not up to it. Get someone else, there are lots of Thais competent and fluent in English, and able to consult a dictionary as well.
  19. Indeed. Dreadful English by the writer of the article (wouldn't call that journalism). What's a walkway in the context of an aircraft?
  20. Don't forget the fruit basket.... What about a refund?
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