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Everything posted by Umlungu

  1. Some go shopping every Wednesday. Some go to Thailand every Wednesday. Some even combine the two every Wednesday.
  2. The sooner this clapped out airline is shut down, the better. I'm surprised they're still operating, must have had a taxpayer bail-out of sorts. All a bit like former national carrier South African Airways. Brought to its knees by incompetence and corruption. Kill it off, nobody needs it, real world airlines service the market quite adequately. Staff neglecting their duties were probably sorting out and hiding their for-resale-profit bought duty free items....... wasn't that the biggest benefit for all those Thai staff? Anyone recall those so-called Thai Hisos with all their excess baggage, free of charge? Typical Thailand.
  3. He'd be a shoe-in at Big C with that 1960s ice street ice cream vendor's overall.....
  4. I wonder if the cave rescue team - led by foreign experts - of the Thai boy footballers a few years ago also first asked for payment, a deposit or a credit card when they discovered and swam up tothe stranded boys a few kilometers inside the cave system. This is in response to a comment here - and I had exactly the same experience - where a hospital asked for payment first before even administering some pain relief treatment. This is just disgusting behaviour by a medical institution toward injured or pain-stricken persons approaching them for help.
  5. Just did my intl lic yday (505 baht). 2 x passport photos, Thai 5-yr driving licence, passport. residency cert fr immigration. Nice to bring your own photocopies along, but they did their own anyway at DLT Chonburi office. For Ptya residents: intl lic not avlble in Banglamung DLT, you need to go to Chonburi HO. Res cert 300 baht, no docs required, just pp and filled out form (avlble at the office, in my case Chonburi/Sri Racha. 15 mins, done. No ID requirements (bills etc). Intl kic is valid for 2 yrs + in my case (exp on bday in 2025, so got 26 months of validity out of it). For an extra 55 baht they updated my 5-yr TH drivers licence, new passport number, new photo (taken by them at the DLT office), = new plastic card. Same expiry date as old one.
  6. PM me, if you wish, for some more comments re your VT topic. Not sure if you're still checking this chat.
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