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Posts posted by mike787

  1. 2 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

    See my previous post.


    If they remove the farang who has the occasional problem with five finger discounts etc., just think of the impact on their retirement funds...$$$

    I did read your post.  My interpretation (correct me where i am wrong) your post, based on the facts was not premeditated/intentional action as was the farang in this post.  Accidental versus malicious intent is opposite.   If intentional, my opinion stands.  Old saying: If you cannot do the time, don't do the crime.

  2. 9 hours ago, roo860 said:

    You're still at it, you don't know what happened, no police involved, end of story, I'm sure there must be another topic where you can give it the old 'deport him, hang him type reply'..????

    The issues is, most people (ie, majority of the population) does not like to be treated in this manner in public or private.  Do you?????  There is NO justification for this public behavior.  Can you justify it?  Please educate all of us as a "Titanium member".  Surely, you are more than capable to bestow some of your worldly knowledge unto us.  I am sure we all seek to forgive this man at the least, or at best endorse his behavior to perhaps justify ourselves to conduct oneself in the same manner the next time we meet you, your family, and the thai public on the MRT.  I implore you, please teach us....so us how to understand/accept/endorse this individuals public violent aggression towards a cowering individual who is fearful. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Paying more for poorer quality doesn't always sit well.

    YEP!!!!  You are RIGHT!  Price is what you pay, value is what you get and it does not add up anymore in thailand.  Love the country, but there are ONLY 2 things i hate:  Immigration is worse than waterboarding and the drivers = death.  Otherwise, i love it here.  Many have noticed what you describe.  SO SAD.  I and many agree...

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