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Burma Bill

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Everything posted by Burma Bill

  1. Yes indeed - and thanks. During my 20 years living in Thailand,first in Lanna and then in Isaan, drying rice on roads was a way of life (some may say culture) during the rice harvest season. The "Townies" and "Beach/Bar Bums" in the south have no idea. The dried rice is put into sacks and stored until required. These sacks are transported to a rice mill where the husks are removed to provide the rice grains which you cook. Anything coming out of beaurocratic Bangkok that affects this practise will, IMO, be ignored across the vast rural areas of Northern Thailand. Many of the local police and administration own farms and harvest rice this way. Interestingly, does this ban also include TEA? (in some mountain areas of North West Thailand e.g. Doi Mae Salong, which I used to visit as a Volunteer with the Tourist Police based in Chiang Rai)
  2. With respect, I have no intention of changing my name. I have never used Thailand Bill, as you suggest. I chose Burma Bill some years ago because where I lived near Chiang Rai/Phayao in Lanna, I went on regular monthly shopping trips across the border to Tachilek in Burma. I use Burma in protest at the Junta who renamed the country Myanmar. I also made several visits to Burma (Rangoon, Mandalay, Bagan and Hsipaw-Shan State) during the short period of democracy. A wonderful country with welcoming people. I have no intention to change to Cambodia Bill.
  3. Oh really! I have lived in Cambodia for almost 4 years and I have not been asked to pay 1 Riel in taxes on my 3 UK pensions credited to a Cambodian bank. Tax is paid at source in the UK.
  4. During my 20 years in Thailand, I never paid tax to the Thai Govt. As a UK citizen, I was taxed at source (UK) on the amount exceeding the tax allowance on my 3 pensions. Glad I moved to Cambodia almost 4 years ago and I still pay tax at source in the UK - no dual taxation.
  5. I am not at all surprised (for reference): China’s businesses are struggling and job seekers have trouble finding work, President Xi Jinping acknowledged during his Sunday New Year’s Eve speech......... which is grappling with a structural slowdown marked by weak demand, rising unemployment and battered business confidence.........“Some enterprises had a tough time. Some people had difficulty finding jobs and meeting basic needs.” https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/01/economy/xi-jinping-new-year-address-economy-intl-hnk/index.html
  6. Absolutely unbelievable lack of maintenence and safety. This could have been much more serious if there were many more people and vehicles on the ground below, and if the carriage had been dislodged.
  7. A great initiative, but let us hope the tigers will be well protected from the poachers supplying the disgraceful Chinese Traditional Medicine Industry
  8. Unbelievable inhumane behaviour, yet another "Ha Ha" emoji!
  9. Yet again another sick/retarded AN poster using a "Ha Ha" emoji! It is not to be, but I would like to put such posters in similar life threatening incidents whilst we all stand and laugh at them while they struggle.
  10. With respect, I do not really get your gist. Yes, drink driving at any time during the day or night could lead to fatalities. If this tourist had left the pub at 2am, it is possible the 3 Laotian workers might still be working on laying the cables. Remember, this was the first day of the extension to 4am and he no doubt took advantage on the extended drinking period with his pals before driving back to his hotel. I am not suggesting 4am closing is correlated to drink driving and killing people, but accident statistics from the approved 4am areas could be interesting.
  11. Yes, the unsweetened condensed (concentrated) French milk available here in Cambodia - great with strong Vietnamese coffee. I am a diabetic - no sugar.
  12. Once released, bring in Mister Thaksin - it is his "home territory"!
  13. Yet again, we read of a tragic incident where a young lass in fear, tragically loses her life in a fall and someone has posted a "Ha Ha" emoji. There are some really callous posters on AN!
  14. Oh really! Is Anutin not aware of the tragic accident (manslaughter) in Chiang Mai on the first day of the extended hours last Saturday, where one Laotian worker was killed and two others seriously injured around 4am by a speeding drunk Ghanaian tourist who had been drinking with friends in a pub? The three workers had been laying new underground cables during the night. RIP Laotian workers and condolences to your families. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40033873
  15. I wonder if they will develope their own Tianamen and Red Squares away from home?
  16. If this is so, then IMO he deserved what he got - money grabbing leech! This may be a "silver lining" as she could get treatment for/removal of her cyst at a Police Hospital?
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