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Burma Bill

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Everything posted by Burma Bill

  1. Yes indeed and in my opinion for the better!! Living in Lanna for most of my retirement in Thailand, when "Mr T" came to power life and prosperity was transformed living up north. Businesses grew and employment increased. New infrastructure projects were initiated such as roads and mobile phone coverage (AIS - yes a Shinawatra company) across the north. For the first time in our small village among the mountains, access to the internet became a norm without having to drive to the nearest city with one's laptop to send emails. Agriculture and farming were brought into the 21st century. Out went ox drawn carts and ploughs and in came tractors, other types of machinery and irrigation schemes. Chiang Mai (now Thailand's second city), Chiang Rai and Phayao became boom cities with shopping malls and other leisure outlets but the moods changed after Prayut's coup and the demise of the Shinawatras, who incidentally are still admired by many Northern folk. Bangkok to many (including me) was just a name on a map where one changed flights from the north onto international ones. For us Brits, there was a British Consulate in Chiang Mai where all Embassy business, including passports, could be processed - no need to travel south like nowadays! Sadly now closed. It was the introduction of the current bureaucratic rules and financial regulations regarding visas, and all the hassle these created, that changed my opinion of living in Thailand and I now live happy and hassle free in a neighboring country.
  2. Thank you and yes this is the brand of body (underarm) spray I always use, when I lived in Thailand and now in Cambodia. There is a wide range of fragrances which are fresh, not overpowering and sickly. Readily available in two sizes at supermarkets.
  3. How about further back in time - "Medieval Laws" ????? It is a pity there isn't a modern day Oliver Cromwell!!!
  4. Thank you for your comment but at 77 and an insulin dependent type 2 diabetic, I can assure you I have no concerns or fear at all. In Cambodia it is either Sinovac or Sinopharm and, on advice from my Khmer doctor, Sinovac was recommended. I have now been vaccinated with 2 jabs of Sinovac and possess my Covid-19 Vaccination Card.
  5. Yes indeed and for reference:- BANGKOK, Aug 17 (Reuters) - Thailand will purchase an additional 12 million doses of Sinovac's (SVA.O) coronavirus vaccine to try to expedite its rollout..................... despite concerns over its efficacy against the Delta variant of COVID-19. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-reports-daily-record-239-new-coronavirus-deaths-2021-08-17
  6. My sincere apologies - I missed the pensioner line. Like yourself, I would also have had to pay 150%!
  7. Business - Chinese hotels, Chinese souvenir/jewelry/leather goods shops, Chinese buffet restaurants, Chinese tour buses????? Leisure - Chinese casinos, Chinese boat/diving tours, Chinese temples??? Ultimate Experience - Tai Chi on the beaches and in the parks???
  8. With due respect, I think your calculation is wrong:- Thai Adult - 100 baht Foreign Adult - 150 baht. Surely this is 50% more???? Whatever, it sadly shows foreigners have to pay more than Thais.
  9. From link to original article, this should give a clue:- "Cambodia is giving shots to kids 6 and up, and China has approved two of its vaccines for use in kids as young as 3" Sinovac and Sinopharm are THE two widely used vaccines throughout the country. My two jabs were Sinovac. For reference from today's press (27 September 2021):- "another 3 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines are bound for Cambodia and will be arriving on the morning of September 28. This is the last of the 9 million batches of vaccines that were ordered by the government from China on the month of September. The vaccines that will be arriving are allocated for the vaccination campaign of children aged 6 to 11. " https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50942603/cambodia-to-receive-three-million-more-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine/
  10. Perhaps the Czar should change his name to Canute???????
  11. For reference:- Two tiny holes: Spiders have two fangs, so you might see two tiny holes in the center of the bite https://www.prevention.com/health/a29109758/spider-bite-pictures-symptoms/ Mosquito and fly bites leave a small single hole.
  12. For reference from the Zoo's website:- Thai Adult 100 baht Child 20 baht Children up to 120 cm tall. Free Student (in uniform) 50 baht Government officer (in uniform) 50 baht Older people over 60 and disabled Free Monk / Novice Free Foreigner Adult 150 baht Child 70 baht Parking Bus 60 baht Car 50 baht http://www.khonkaen.zoothailand.org/en/ewt_news.php?nid=173
  13. 77 year old insulin dependent type 2 diabetic. 1st Sinovac - no effects. 2nd Sinovac (3 weeks later) - slight aching in joints, soon cleared with paracetamol.
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