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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. I often wonder what it must be like for a Thai to go to a country where they can just drink the Tap water.
  2. I hope it recovers ok. sorry but I can't find sympathy any more for these idiot drivers.
  3. This should be taught in school, public forums are OK but who will bother to go ? Invite the local cops along and point out to the kids, that these are the reason, they are vulnerable on any road anywhere 'coz they are lazy and don't do their job properly. Now kids altogether say boo to the cops, blow raspberries, and stick your tongues out, thumbs on noses.
  4. Overall lack of Rule Enforcement, is the #1 problem IMO, they know the Cops do nothing, and even if caught and fined, the fines are minimal.
  5. Another demonstration of Thai PSV driving skills........
  6. Has even ever passed a test or have a license ?
  7. They need to do apprenticeships here at say a truck repair place, with one day a week at a proper Technical School, with Lectures who know what they are talking about, I started when I was 15 yrs old, I was fully skilled by the age of 18 and they had to bring it up at a Council meeting as up until then you had to be 21 before anybody got full wages, I'm now 73
  8. I worked for a local council, (as a mechanic) and the checking and testing, of all the HGV prier to their annual test, would take longer for me to type it out, than the actual test takes do here.
  9. Oh come on they are isolated incidents, not Everyday occurrences. They are YEARS Apart ! 2024-2020-2016-2009. Plus good driving prevented a few deaths.
  10. I disagree testing knowledge here is unskilled IMO, if they had the skills and knowledge, why can't they do proper tests ? They are not taught to inspect correctly and lack the tools, manpower, and time to do a correct inspection, go to any LTO and watch them give a cursory glance, nothing is TESTED.
  11. Well there is the problem, the whole system is completely floored, they don't just need 'Inspecting' they need testing, Thailand has no Idea how to test/inspect properly. I know we are not in the UK but when I was Examining large vehicles, it was once a year.
  12. How can anything here be tested properly when no one knows how to inspect properly ?, the blame lays entirely with the governments/transport ministry for not even knowing how to inspect properly. Go to any LTO and you will never see jacks, levers, steering, brake air systems tested/inspectors. You will never see a rolling jack as in the UK they only have one person doing the so called testing/inspecting here. The so called 'Transport Minister' could go on a nice Jolly to the UK and take a gaggle of 'testers, to learn how to do it, and buy a rolling jack for every province, I'm sure he could cream a few million out of that.
  13. Well thank god no one was killed, 14 people have died in various ways in the last 24hrs and that's just the stories on AN.
  14. A party only for Posh people...................
  15. No. Is it an American Quote ? And who is it Quoted from ?
  16. Are these 'parts' considered obscene ? or is that referring to the male sex toys ?
  17. Great idea, we'll stand around and watch to see if it is a real grenade.
  18. These could be made and fitted I'd say for under 2K using stainless steel.
  19. During Lockdown these boat operators had ample opportunity to fit prop-guards, but it's not law to do that, IMO it should be. They are easy to make and fit, but as usual safety is not a feature in Thailand.
  20. Looks more like a canal than an underpass.
  21. Well done RTP wow did I just say that.
  22. But battery cables run to the Starter Motor near fuel lines. Just saying.
  23. Only Half destroyed ? looks compliantly destroyed to me.
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