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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. And who trains the teachers ?
  2. probably more crowded than Manly Sidney.
  3. There are meters that can sniff gas, you don't need soapy water.
  4. Well it's quite handy to have those D-shackles already on the front to get it towed away...
  5. So the Company will do the inspections themselves, what could go wrong.
  6. As if Chinses would launder money, they are such honest people Cough cough spit.
  7. Yes selling Arabic-script signs, should be for Thais only................................
  8. I have read the latest standards from google, I have the latest PDF file, No I won't be if you check the UK standards, I was inspecting HGV 50+ years ago, so pray tell me what you think would surprise me in a 'western' country ?
  9. I agree I wanted to open one package and was told "can not" by the driver, you can't blame them multidrop deliveries are an awful occupation, been there done that, never again.
  10. It was only 2 yrs ago I test drove one, oh and another dislike unable to just give one or 2 flashes with the indicators, only on or off.
  11. I agree with you there, go along to any testing station, and watch, they never deplete the air with engine stopped to see if audio buzzers or visual gauges work, time how long it takes to recharge, never use a jack or levers, never tap every visible nut with a small ball peen hammer, never get the driver to hold his foot on the brakes to check for leaks, never get the driver to wiggle the steering to check the ball joints, the time it has taken me to write this is longer than their 'test'. they should also have to book a time and date to arrive for testing, the whole system is pathetic, they don't have a clue on how to test correctly.
  12. So who is going to do the Inspections Thais have no Idea what a comprehensive inspection is, All inspections should be comprehensive not just now but in the past and in the future. Who trains the Inspectors ??
  13. So why this walk are they unaware that all yanks can vote wherever they are not just Thailand, Jeez they don't seem to know a lot. Oh we are so Special LOL
  14. I don't understand, while watching U-Tube there are constant adds saying Americans can vote from anywhere showing pics of famous places around the world, and put a QR code up on the screen to scan.........................................................
  15. Going by the size of her, I would give her 3K to leave her clothes on............
  16. Nothing will ever change here, it'll continue to get worse, until they introduce proper driving lessons over at least 40 hrs. on real roads, and proper test examiners, and of course eliminate corruption, that will never happen here NEVER.
  17. So going by this story he has never been jailed, just discharged from the army, did he get to keep his guns? But as I repeatedly keep saying unless this country wakes up, and introduces Mandatory Prison sentencing for Gun Crimes then this will just keep repeating DAILY, Just for possession of a gun should be 2yrs Min. Stop and search EVERY vehicle in the Kingdom, enough is enough.
  18. But he didn't did he, he had no right to take the money in the first place. 👩🏻‍⚖️ Send him down, guilty as charged.
  19. But it does have free healthcare, you don't 'Have' to have insurance, many do not.
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