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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Laos is a very beautiful country and now with the Fast Train, overnight bus trips are now a 2hr train ride. The language is also understood by Thais. Hope you have Time. (My wife was smiling all day and everyday. Went there for our Honeymoon. )
  2. Re-entry permits are easy to obtain here, I don't understand why you want to complicate things, you would only need to 'Talk' go to immigration twice a year, once to get your extension and once to do your first 90 day report.
  3. You could put 400,000 baht in a Thai bank account in your name, 2 months before Appling for a marriage extension (1,900b). You can take it out once your extension has been approved, but that is stating the bloody obvious.
  4. Another day, another hill, Another bend, another Thai driver,........... Now take your driving test at 20 Kph max, no hills or bends, and off you go to cause mayhem wherever you go, drunk or sober makes no difference.
  5. When is the Heterosexuals Parade ? We want equal rights !
  6. So now does it read TTAYA or TTY guess it's to much effort to post a photo of the damage. tity city what a great name that would be.
  7. Roll up, Roll up, come and see our dead coral..........
  8. That will be interesting, maybe these 'officials' can come up with a solution that all the top scientists in the world can't.
  9. ....... and sewage. I have also heard that when swimming pool water is changed it is drained straight into the sea, I know stuff all about pool maintenance, but it is what an owner of a resort told me.
  10. So he is urging authorities to break the laws, Then change the laws dumbwit, make laws in Thailand simple and plain, not convoluted that go round in circles. Stop all your travelling around looking for a way to get more bloody tourists, go sit in your office and do some forking work, you never know you might just achieve one thing as PM but I doubt that. IMO
  11. This happens with almost everything in Thailand, I can remember when everyone was growing marigolds...it also happened with rubber, price dropped, then Oh no shortage of rubber, Durian will be next, all the rubber trees have been cleared in my area, and beyond.. All have planted Durian saplings... It's the Thai way. The government announce this or that is in strong demand and then all go into a frenzy growing or making whatever.
  12. Sorry I not that Tech savvy, but how can you use someone else's ATM card to buy stuff without a pin number ?
  13. Send in the Clown I'm sure he could attract tourist to it, I'm sure he could dream up another 'Attraction' out of it.
  14. Archaic maybe but slow? takes me 2 hours for a Marriage visa/extension, and 1hr for retirement. 1,900 baht a year.
  15. Just saw a doughnut seller at Traffic lights wearing a full bear outfit head and all, it was 34 degrees outside. . similar to this
  16. Just propaganda from the Clown who thinks he is the real PM. He has achieved zilch so far.
  17. They can also go to the Ukraine, yet Ukrainians do not get 90 days for Thailand.
  18. The government being positive, means stuff all if the EU 'aint.
  19. Presuming you have enough oil in the engine * red oil light comes on * I can only give my experience on certain Honda stationary engines. They had a float in the sump, so when oil is low it won't start, these floats used to gunk up, even when oil was full. (remove and clean/replace.) I would imagine there must be a sensor or float not working correctly.
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