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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. But this was not a transmission tower, it's a bog standard power pole. I think PEA have some questions to answer.
  2. Will Bob Smith please come back, at least your posts were credible, compared with this half wit.
  3. He's not really here, he is in his Psycho ward in OZ sniffing cleaning chemicals and polishing his mop handle,....... he just imagines he is here, it's all just thin air.
  4. Could have had an incendiary device planted in his car, anything is possible in LOS.
  5. 4,000 tons of granite, jeez.....I wonder when the hull was last inspected to take that kind of weight.
  6. You are always complain about Pattaya but you go back several times a year allegedly...
  7. , I could suggest visiting another kind of institution you may get overnight accommodation.
  8. Gun control still going well then.........
  9. I agree, imagine being able to give driving lessons, or inspect BUSES or be a mechanic for all vehicles, we can't have any of that Thais are so much better than us Falang .
  10. They really are useless drivers.
  11. I agree, The Sakoo Police did not have any in-depth information, not sure even why they bothered to report it.
  12. I agree, or even just scanning your documents, photos, etc. No must have up to 30 copies on A4, and then after, I have seen them scan them on their computer. Mucking Fental...
  13. I agree, the only thing I do not like about the hybrids, (or EVs for that matter) is that when I've looked at them, and test drove one, It was all the buttons and switches, making me have to glance down, instead of levers, that you can feel. and the bloody sensors, going off putting the brakes on that made the steering wheel shudder, when someone ahead did a U-Turn Correctly going over to the left lane. Sorry but not for me, plus the low price I was offered on a trade in for the car I have now.
  14. Set yourself free, there must be 50 ways to leave your lover, just slip out the back Jack, make a new plan Sam , hop on a bus Gus, you don't need to discuss much, just drop of the key Lee, and get yourself free.
  15. Yet another Chinese 'Fraudster' aka scammer comes to Thailand, on a 15 day visa and it took the cops 21 months to find her on overstay, and without the blue notice she would still be free. ................now let me check when my 90 days is due.
  16. Maybe it was meeting a hospital cleaner from OZ that sent him over the edge...........
  17. Thanks, as I just said above different offices call it different things, maybe they rely on google translate. Just like the 'charge' they make up loads of stuff.
  18. Well it seems different IO call it different things.
  19. Eventually but he started with 10% and she went along with it..........
  20. NO I am Not wrong who ever posted that is wrong. I don't care what google says as it is probably picking up on the miss information posted on this sight. I am NOT confused ! I also don't use google to get this information it is from personal experience. You are just perpetuating wrong information.
  21. Thanks for that, so as I said......LOR
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