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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. I have 2 CVT and both show what is currently selected on the dash, I have never seen an ATs presuming you mean auto, that has a manual mode.
  2. Unless the laws of Physics have changed, I could, you are talking out your backside, Batteries Can not be charged without a generator on a ship or Sub, or anything else, apart from connecting to a power source, perpetual motion does not exist on earth. Tell me what would drive the generator. You are just trolling now.
  3. Yes of course a sub has brakes, I forgot that...The CHD620 is a diesel engine which is going to be fitted. End of it is not a generator or an alternator ! Whatever they 'want' is not what will be fitted. You are dreaming.
  4. So you can't answer that but I'm sure you'll find some BS.
  5. Can't You READ I said AT LEAST ! So mister know it all what cars had the steel belt system in the late 50s. Do You have nothing better to do than jump on members posts Loopy Lou ?
  6. Is it a plane (could be), is it a bird, no it's a Monotram.
  7. And of course all the stations will have elevators for wheelchairs, won't they? I'm sure that's all been budgeted for along with maintenance. Just one little question WHO will pay for it. I'm sure the feasibility study will make a lot of money for many people. I'm not just being negative but a realist.
  8. That's all he does do, bang on about Tourism. He doesn't have to live amongst it.
  9. Same here although I do have to floor it sometimes to overtake Large trucks, on highways, and steep hill climbs on KC, I go with the 30kkm, or every third engine oil change as I like to think of it. (overdrive off going down steep hills). EDIT: I also put it in N when at lights, that's my thinking of 'resting' the box.
  10. So a very long extension lead to plug it in if not how do the batteries on EVs get charged? ....And pray what would turn the 'Alternator' if not an engine ? A wind turbine ? My Understanding of Mechanics is way beyond yours I see, that's why it was my job for 55 yrs.
  11. But he would have murdered people wherever he was, he is a complete nutter, the reasons he had for killing people was completely void of any rational thinking. He is Celibate and hated the thought of people having sex, Lets hope he drops the soap.
  12. I suggest you do a google search, as I said 60k max.
  13. Well I don't know what car you have, but I wouldn't leave it that long, a google search shows 60k Max. A new box would cost a fortune, compared to more frequent oil changes. Edit; I meant to add at say 2k an oil change and the price of a new box, that's about 20yrs.
  14. The point is it depends on where your drain plugs are and access to the filter, as they will make the car tilt back. I do most repairs my self but oil changes I take elsewhere, They make money on the oil and filter, so it only costs about 500b labour (not dealerships). as for jacking, your handbook should show you where, What would you do in the event of a puncture ?
  15. CVT has been around for at least 10 years. Disadvantages are having to change the CVT oil every 30k, and the "elastic band effect" on fast accelerating/overtaking a truck quickly as an example, but you can get used to that. They also have different modes of drive, such as Eco, normal, sport, and overdrive.
  16. Not me I drop the rat trap in a 20 ltr bucket of water.
  17. So does that include a mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs ?
  18. One of the hardest tests in the world if not the hardest, is to pass The UK Captain submarine test, and if you fail you are never allowed to be a submariner again, You must be able to Captain the sub. drunk, that is the only part the Thais 'possibly' would get right IMO.
  19. That is wrong info, a generator needs some means to turn it, and in this case its a diesel engine. Generators can not turn alone, to use batteries to turn it would simply just drain the batteries. BP story is completely wrong.
  20. Saint Tony walks into a restaurant and orders chicken, Sorry your Holiness, you'll have to put up with 5 loafs an fishes today, the chicken is on sick leave with the flu. But we have an excellent wine menu.........ok getting my hat.
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