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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Did they leave 2 of them behind ?.............
  2. Have they arrested the Firework seller yet for selling to someone without a license ? Is there a sign at the shop must have license to buy. Whatever next they will be renting motorbikes to people without a driving license............... .....
  3. Can anyone explain this. Has it got a parking 'space' outside that takes an additional 200 cars or is it just another story badly written ???? sound like it can take 390 cars, I suspect this is BS, or do 150 M/C take the space of 10 cars.
  4. Depends what IO you use, if they do home visits the a marriage extension is not possible IMO.
  5. Yellow book first, then pink ID card. Best to go to your local Amphur and ask as some find it 'To Hard' take a Thai speaking National, to fully understand. Mine was easy no translation of passport, I think 2 witnesses one of which must be able to speak Thai.
  6. Those eggs are not fried they are decimated and over cooked and full of oil, deep frying eggs YUK
  7. She does look vertically challenged, must be hard to go through life, but no excuse to steal.
  8. With a population of 1.4 Billion that's not a lot per capita, compared to Thailand's Population of just 67 Million Thailand would come out first maybe, but I can't be asked to do the Math.
  9. If all the Thai sex workers overseas came home they would be Number one. init
  10. Broke and Busted Thailand, I thought all these millions of tourists were suppose to bring in much needed money for the economy.......
  11. They seem to find a lot of dead bodies all over Thailand...
  12. He looks a lot older than 40 in the vid.......but I guess they must know for sure it's him by the passport in his pocket......
  13. I'm not Famous, but several famous people know me, whom I have met, outside of their 'Fame bubble' .
  14. They would have to stay awake to watch it, this ain't the UK.
  15. Also if you have just drunk alcohol your test will be higher.
  16. Well that was my point really, I have seen the UK cops on YouTube and they know he will be below the limit by the time he is processed, so they issue an official verbal warning.
  17. Mandatory sentencing for all gun related crime, just do it !
  18. In the UK if you are slightly over the limit you can get just a warning, and they will take you to a cop shop if a lot over to use the big machine and there is an allowance for accuracy of the Machine.
  19. I'm sure the Parents will be OK collecting a cash payment and drop charges. TIT
  20. No worries, soon it won't be posted it will all come on a fast Chinese Train......
  21. Me thinks the landlady does not want to buy a new TV.
  22. You can always watch using your lap top connected to the TV by an HDMI cable ( I have a 5 meter one). having said that new Smart TVs with wi-fi normally also have a socket in them that you can plug in your co-axil cable. Here is another link for a load of free stuff and some are Netflix. ' lookmovie2 ' that is why my TV has the HDMI cable plugged in. šŸ‘‡šŸ»
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