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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Immediate access to NHS on return. You just have to reapply. Your NHS number does not get cancelled! Who tells them you have been out of the country ? Passports are not mandatory in the UK.
  2. So if you apply say 11 weeks before expiry is your new one dated from when you apply ? If so it sounds like another con if they don't add on the 11 weeks to your new passport. you may say well its only every ten years, but it amounts to a scam if it is happening to everyone. It would amount to skimming a bit from all.
  3. This is one night of the year the teenagers in our village love to dress up to the nines, and promenade around to show how 'mature' they now are LOL.
  4. So not banned then. Can we still have the dancing girls and karaoke. Lanterns are rarely used where I am bcoz of all the fishing boats parked up.
  5. Nah have you ever been to Perth Australia ? Where I forcibly dragged out of wheelchair while recovering from a broken pelvis because they refused to use a hand held metal detector. went back one time with just carry on "why you have small bag? " returned again one time with a huge bag "why is your bag so big ? " "do you have any lollies ? " ??????. asked if i was carrying a computer "No" then screamed at as i had DVD player. They are the most unfriendly immigration on this planet and belief me i have done a lot of traveling.
  6. I wanted to adopt a new dog when mine passed away, a dog rescue woman another falang told me yes we have two brother and sister, both neutered, and on collar and lead, these turned out to be a living nightmare, they hated me and on a lead was ridicules, near on wrenching my arm out of its socket, they tried to escape as soon as look at me, digging under the fence and then climbing up over it, I kept at it for 2 months coaxing with treats etc, nah they weren't having a bar of me in fact the male was barking at me in my own garden, after many times telling the rescue woman all she kept doing was coming and taking photos telling me they will go to Canada. The crunch came when they got out and stole chewed a shoe of a neighbour costing 1,200 baht. One of their rescue workers came and took the dogs away Phew. They never did go to Canada. Moral of this story NEVER let these rescue dogs be 'delivered' to you, go and see them first to check out their reaction to you.
  7. Same Same and get an SMS. my bills are just left to pile up in the plastic box 100 mtrs away. Also direct debit with TOT, i don't get their bills 'coz the postman is a <deleted> and i NEVER get any post at all whatsoever.
  8. Really? I just have a photo of my vax cert on my phone what's the problem ?
  9. i just use my phone to, make phone calls, and take the odd photo, of passport, vaccine cert and other useful stuff + GPS.
  10. Nah that's in your defence. What games do you play with him, paper machete, build stuff with cardboard boxes, what story's have you read him, can he swim ???
  11. Sometimes it is easier to go with your wife and take your marriage cert, BBK kept telling me i need a W/P, I kept telling them I was retired. Took the wife and they opened an account for me. I still don't understand just why they don't want customers, they still make money even with small amounts deposited, commissions etc. madness IMO.
  12. They have a 28 yr in custody and STILL looking at the bullet they removed, no details seem to have be given on the forensics of that yet, we can only wonder why.
  13. Were is Job to Do or any other good thai band like Rap against Dictatorship, why not get Thai popular bands instead of importing musicians. mind you they are probably already booked too.
  14. Oh no said thousands, I've booked the flight and hotel package just to see her, all non-refundable can i sue for issuing fake news ?
  15. I don't understand this, it seems to be already open, (not that it was ever closed) quite a few of those Mini bus tour groups here last weekend and the weekend before, also seen a few big M/C touring around. so it's already open, there has been no restrictions coming here apart from getting out of a red zone, unless they mean visitors from overseas, how will they be transported to the island ? Has anyone been through the big mushroom checkpoint recently ? I took the CenterPoint ferry to Trat and back on Thursday no checks whatsoever anywhere.
  16. From people who can't be asked to spend a day getting their paperwork together from a list supplied by most I.O.
  17. No reason to not do it yourself 1,900 b + cost of copies.
  18. There are only a couple of banks agents will use, Bangkok bank being the main one. 15k for retirement. So it will depend on what bank you use.
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