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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. im not fully sure but if you get a tourist visa you should show some money with you (20.000 baht?) and few other details they might ask or want to see. if its not complicated there, i would get a marriage visa for 3 months (single entry). im pretty sure there will be no problems at the immigration. play safe ????
  2. well tbh whatever you do, this or that they cut almost the same amount. it changes really little. So i would chose the fastest way. mostly the cut is around 1000 baht. dont think too much about it. these things are international, cannot change because they will not let to change. think like this you want to sell your mobile, go to a shop get a price and checked other shops, you will get the same amount just 1 up 1 down. because they already agreed about this. same for the money transfer. Again, i would look for the fastest one
  3. If you will take a new visa staple pages will be problem. they wont put visa there, because the page is damaged for the visa. But if only stamp, no problem. if you think too much about this, why dont you get a new passport and feel more comfy and no stress..
  4. UPDATE: I changed the PTT station to Esso. Believe or not i observed great differences. No more extra fuel consuming. Better engine performance. No more PTT from now on!
  5. Another suggestion: go to DLT with someone who can speak thai. Explain them the situation and ask them what to do and what document do you need.
  6. she can give someone authority (probably i misspelled it, sorry) a lawyer can do it via online signature. I think it will cost you around 5000 - 8000K for the lawyer and all paper work. Maybe little bit less.
  7. Well, after reading or posting many things in here.. after your 14 short trips here.. if you still dont know or cannot decide what to do, my advice to you is stay away from thailand OR come and live for a while and decide. There is no way you can give a important decision like this by other people's suggestions.. everyone in this forum probably has different good and bad experiences about thailand. Which will be the same for you. Just closing your eyes and sell or forget everything in your hometown and come here for living is a crazy idea. Dont do that, thats something you cannot go back and fix. Im here for 17 yrs and still have a hpuse back in my country. My brother take cares of it. Although i started to think to rent it and use the money. But selling it, no. Still wouldnt dare to do that. Thailand is a country which wants foreigner money not the person self. So just come here for a couples of years and see by yourself, experience it by yourself, live it and feel it. Dont listen others, listen to your heart after 2 3 years living here. All i can say is if you dont have a good income, thailand will be very difficult than you can imagine. Good luck
  8. 4598 posts you posted and now asking this question......... really? so you never been to thailand... stayed here long time... learned what you can do, what you cannot do... really!?
  9. use the mobile app. Super easy takes 5min to do. screenshot in every step. when you are registering, the app automatically recognize your immigration area which is great. i always use the app search 'section 38' you will see it. its like blue color and says 38 on it.
  10. i believe any ID showing your name with a photo will do. my friend told me once he used his photo of the passport in his phone.
  11. as a former interpol agent worked in thailand and know many thai police, also currently working with the royal thai airforce i say that you CAN record any police activity from a safe distance not disturbing the police on duty. when you are recording; *you cannot get involved with the investigation.. *you cannot disturb the police officer or get into his investigation or personal space... *you cannot get involve to the case if you are not related to.. *you can do the things you cannot do only with his permission.. if the case is about you yes, you CAN record. *you can record only the case and related to it. PS: there are many things about this which i cannot write here because its lot of details but the info i gave you is the main idea and yes, the biggest police in my city literary sitting next to me and reading this and drinking our beer and talking about our together old days working together in interpol
  12. Hi, Im sorry dont know the link. Used my friend lazzada. But i just typed cannabis seeds. And had many options. Just try. Im sure you will get many as i did.
  13. dateinasia is good one and almost free if i remember. thaifriendly is also not bad. again i think 1 message is free every 10 min. but for both of them if you even use a bad word and if the lady reports you, you will get banned.
  14. lazzada has many seed sellers. i just ordered yesterday 26.06.2022 some from china and many from thailand. i ordered from a thai dealer. 50 seeds 50, 100 seeds 100 baht. also ordered pot soil for it. its also cheap will plant my backyard.
  15. yep, it for tea. not the one people want ahhaha
  16. lazzada has many rolling
  17. you can plant at home. i started that. Its really easy. but just be careful with male ones. you dont want them seriously. just check youtube. have great amount of videos to teach you. and thailand climate is really good for it. just be careful about harvesting time. takes time to understand the really good time to harvest. Also after harvesting and when resting, it needs some kind of special care. just cannot leave hang in your room.
  18. i plant some in my home. if you want i can give free after plant but just planted will take some time its so easy to plant yourself.
  19. yes, need to read the contract carefully. If there is nothing mentions the only thing to do is tell them you cannot or dont want to work here and ask immediate termination or 2 month period termination. this issue can be solved by 2 sides understanding. Most likely nothing will happen when you tell them you cannot or dont want to work here anymore. If they start to make problems the best way is give them a notification of 2 months and just do your work in this 2 months get your money and go.
  20. Hi, its better to check the contract she signed. is there anything saying like have 2-3 months testing period. In school contracts its a very common term-item in the contract. 80% its there. If it's there just tell the school you dont want to work here using that item in the contract. They cannot say anything. That item works 2 way, for you and for them. If you don't have that in your contract. You can inform them that you will not accept the contract and give them 2 months or 2 week time to replace you. You still don't have work permit yes. But the thing is both sides signed a contract and in the processing paper work status. And i believe it's you slowing down the paper work in this situation not them. so actually you are working for them and technically yes, if they want they will not let you go that easy. On the other hand, if i remember correct and if its still like that, even though you signed the contract you still cannot work or go to work there till you get your work permit. But again as i mentioned you are in paper work process so keep in your mind you are still working for them officially and legally. suggestions: 1) just go to the school director and talk to him and tell him you don't want to be a teacher anymore. (i think this is the best one) in most cases director says ok. 2) tell them you lost someone back in home and need to go back to your country. 3) tell them for some reason you cannot get your work permit or kurusapa license. 4) tell them you won the lottery and dont want to be a teacher anymore. 5) it is not good time to find a new school, i think all schools are started already and have their teachers. So, if its possible just go back to your old work. Although im not sure if its professional or not because you left there and going back. it seems little bit... you know. 6) when you find a new school try to observe better i dont know you are new here or not but many schools' will act you like your at the bottom of this thing, like a dog. seriously. so dont expect too much from other schools. sometimes no headache is better than getting a high salary.. good luck.
  21. im not sure. When i clearly asked the dealer what should i use.. he answered me E85 / 95 / E20 nothing else. i also checked the book and manual all, they also saying these 3. so i will stick with 95. im really happy with it but my wallet is not. lol
  22. yes, AC is something in my mind. And yes the weather is hot these days and im using the AC high level.
  23. cannot use 91 for cx30. like i said im using 95. i suggest that to you too.
  24. im pretty sure PTT doesnt do any fishy thing but i also witnessed by my own eyes that PTT stations in small very small places add some water in it... but yes, as you said i can feel and see that my fuel consumption is higher than before. i was thinking they might add/mix something to avoid global fuel shortage or something like this
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