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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. if im not mistaken E85 is giving a great performance to the car. I can feel it. Although that means the car is just drinking it. using more than others which means i pay more actually. i read lot about this and all experts say the same. yes performance but a no if you are not rich
  2. agree on E85 is giving really performance to car. I can feel that the car becomes a monster. BUT i really think E85 is a money trap. as you mentioned you chose performance but you have to pay actually more. the engine is just drinking it like a water. So actually you pay more than you would pay to 95 or E20. Thats why im using 95. its perfect balance.
  3. yes all my 60km trip is including the traffic and all. so i really dont know why my car spending more. i already checked the car about this. its totally normal thanks for the info though totally agree about PTT would do any fishy thing. Maybe im just over reacting.
  4. hi guys, for some time now, im observing how much fuel my car is using. my car can use e85 e20 and 95. i have mazda CX30 well obviously everyone knows the high fuel prices. But i also noticed i use more fuel than before. yes, my work is 30km away form my house so a trip is around 60km a day. now i started to use almost 70km so like extra 10km. the car is new so im pretty sure its not the car. i was wondering if somethings going on with the fuel. When i asked someone in my office he also told me he is kind of having the same issue. i mostly use PTT. and mostly 95 or e20 any ideas? thanks
  5. dashcam is up to what you want. there are cams just for recording. you cannot even see the other cars number plates. So these are no good for me. I prefer 4K cams. i can see number plates and many other details. Actually i dont understand why people are buying 1080p. i think you need at least 2K. There are many mirror cams in lazzada. I bought one 2K. it worked well tbh but later it died. i strongly suggest you DDpai or 70mai they are really good and very very clean and nice view. you can see everything. Price starts from 3500 baht if i remember correct. maybe looks expensive but trust me great view and recording. 4K dont buy Eklava
  6. you can call call center and tell them not to send you promotion texts. it takes 3min. thats what i did
  7. Mines are in english. They never send me thai.
  8. Im using dtac for 17-18 years now and i think its the best phone company in thailand. Although since this scam calls started i also noticed that Dtac started a very aggressive and disturbing, annoying marketing campaign.. its almost every 2 days im getting a text from them and trying to sell me a package or voice call-add on or etc. whatever they have they are texting me. im ok if its like 1 or 2 times, but seriously im getting these texts almost every 2 days 3-4 different things.. this is like 2-3 months now. Today i called Dtac and told them to stop sending me marketing texts and surprisingly the lady told me sure she can stop that. i was wondering if any other Dtac user or other company users are having the same issue and how was your reaction. thanks
  9. i cannot understand why it confused you. just ask 1 of your friend to take your photo (portrait photo).. tell him to zoom enough to see your face and passport page. take 3-4 photos im sure 1 will do. dont know why you had to google for it. its the easiest thing in the world. not even need a mirror. Thats what friends are for haahah just keep the background white. im pretty sure you have 1 white wall in your home.
  10. do you have the papers from the court? keep them pay your fine and say you are very sorry and will never do it again and thank them. read the case conclusion paper carefully and do what it says. ask a lawyer just in case. to me it seems you are clean and ready for a fresh start. I dont think they will black list you or else. If so the court would hold you and hand you to police already.
  11. have a maid 90? wow
  12. you can make a complain to police, but as mentioned what they will do is the question or when you will hear from it again. But you might surprised and they can solve the problem. I think its also important where this guy lives. in thailand or outside.
  13. he cannot film your personal space also he cannot film any classes without a permission from the teacher and you guys. many people think its legal to film in public areas. Yes, it is actually BUT if you film directly or knowingly a place near the public area its actually illegal. for example you can film a public area near the police station but if your film is 30min and the police station with details of the building is 25 of this 30 min, thats illegal. because obviously you are not fliming public area but the station. there is probably no punishment but its normal if the cops start questioning you. so your class is the same thing. Actually if its open yes, he can film but not you guys all the time. Obviously not you and your personal space.
  14. BB guns on birds!? jesus and we call them animal!
  15. i know someone selling lottery tickets and also that famous illegal lottery numbers. she told me when she goes to buy the tickets from the thai office, they charge them regarding to numbers. As you know numbers are important in thailand. Also she told me she really goes there early to get good numbers so she can sell. Numbers starts from 20-40 baht for the guys who sell lottery tickets. Its not common but sometimes 60 baht. So the LEGAL selling price to a buyer is yes 80 baht. When the general came to rule he said it will be under serious control. Well actually it was true for a year. Then of course sellers found a way. They stop selling 1 ticket and started to sell set tickets which are like 5-7 of them the same number. And when you ask for 1 they say they cannot break the set for 1 ticket. if break its 100 baht.. lol another lie of course. they can break the set. these set tickets are around 500-1000 baht. then as usual in thailand these ticket controls suddenly stopped. Now they get back to normal selling both ticket and set. 1 ticket is now 100. i remember i met some sellers tried to sell me 120 baht just before the covid. They buy it for 40-60 baht and sell for 100 baht instead of 80
  16. hi, i think he needs to get a status paper form his embassy. To do that, her future wife must get her birth certificate and her status papers which can be obtained from her hometown amphue. Some amphues also give the documents but some asks to go and get from her hometown. After she got them, you guys need to translate them into english and certified from the minister of foreign affairs. Then take them to your embassy. After you submit those papers of hers, you can ask for your status paper which says you are not married in your country or here in thailand or anywhere else and you can marry with her. Now with all these documents again you need to translate them into thai and certified from the minister of foreign affairs. Now you can take these papers and go to any amphue you want and get marry. It will take probably 15min. The steps i told you are for almost all countries dont know if your friend embassy want or not. probably want.
  17. i know one agent in pattaya can do the trick, she will send your passport out of thailand and get back in here. Dont know how it works or whats the magic but she did 1 of my filipino friend. he was here 3 years over stay. again i cannot remember but i believe it cost him around 45K But, i would listen to @DrJack54 & @ubonjoe & others and do it by myself. cheaper, less riskier and also might be a fun trip. Its really easy to do visa run or to get a new visa from countries around thailand. If you can wait till july it seems everything will be as before covid.
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