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Posts posted by vinny41

  1. 12 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    By Saudi officials ? That's the bit that doesn't add up.


    Maybe they cancelled her passport which could have caused issues when transiting but were Saidi officials allowed inside the airport to confiscate the document in person ?


    In the twitter feed here it states her passport has been cancelled by the saudis and there a video of a Thai women stating she cannot go anywhere even though she has money.

    If her passport has been cancelled she shouldn't be allowed to board any flights 


    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


    Selling vacuum cleaners is totally different to investment fund management.


    If Rees-Mogg actually believes what he says in public then he would be advising his clients not to invest in any EU country.


    But his company is, in fact, doing the exact opposite: Brexit warning from investment firm co-founded by Rees-Mogg


    Rees-Mogg earns £14,000 per month for doing just 30 hours work a month for the fund; so obviously, even if he has no money invested himself, he has a large interest in ensuring it's success and he obviously believes that success lies within the EU.


    somerset management geography equity split as you can clearly see from this picture the majority of the funds are split between the Pacific 24% and emerging markets 63% the proportion(%) of funds for the UK is 5% and Europe is 7%




    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    Agreed, but as Rees-Mogg tells us that the EU is so terrible, why has his company put any eggs at all in that particular basket?

    Its not his own money that he is investing in Dublin its clients money, some clients have requested that their funds be placed in an EU investment fund, 

    I am sure Dyson Vacuum cleaners are still be sold in Europe and will be sold once the UK has left the EU

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    A couple from a topic just after the referendum.

    Work forward from there and you'll find many more of the same.

    You can hang on to Nigel Farage messages if you want I will hang on to Tony Blair messages

    Blair: a no vote means no

    Tony Blair today suggested that he would not seek another referendum on the EU constitution if it was rejected by the British people.
    Under repeated questioning from reporters on whether the poll would be rerun if the answer came back negative, Mr Blair responded: "If the British people vote no, they vote no. You can't then start bringing it back until they vote yes.

    Today he said if Britain voted no he would have to go back to the European council and discuss the way forward.

    The PM said: "This is an issue which it is time for the British people to decide and let them have their say."

    He stressed: "If the British people vote no in this referendum, that is their verdict. That is absolutely clear."



    "Tony Blair said yesterday that he would not call an immediate second referendum on Europe if the British people throw out the proposed EU constitution in the vote expected next year."


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    But the fact remains that Rees-Mogg is so confident about the UK's future prosperity outside the EU that he has moved some of his money to Ireland! His excuse that he is just a partner and does not make investment decisions is feeble in the extreme.

    That is your opinion but what Somerset Management is doing is no different to what most members on this forum do and that is you don't put all your eggs in one basket

    • Like 2
  6. 39 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     I have already explained why we need to make a final decision before we actually leave; but I'll do so again..


    T ECJ has ruled that if we withdraw Article 50 we can remain a member on exactly the same terms as now. Which means, among other things, that we keep the pound, keep the rebate, stay out of Schengen.


    Were we to leave and then in a few years time apply to join again this ruling would not mean a toss. So, like all others applying to join, we would not only lose the rebate, but we would also have to adopt the Euro and join Schengen.


    I find that being acceptable to any Brexiteer very strange. I thought you Brexiteers wanted us to maintain control over our own borders and finances!

    Britain would lose EU rebate even if it decided to ditch Brexit - EU official6

    After Brexit, the EU wants to wind down in stages all the rebates, including those that the Netherlands or Denmark enjoy. The bloc’s executive European Commission has proposed to have none in the next common budget for 2021-2024.

    “I think that even for the pleasant but improbable case that the British wish to remain... then in my budgetary framework I would stick to the phased ending of rebates. The rebates, in a family of 27, are no longer appropriate.”





    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     So why have prominent Brexiteers such as Rees-Mogg moved their investments to Ireland?


    What evidence do you have that it is only Remainers who are applying in droves for Irish passports?


    Earlier you asked if I could read Nigel Farage's mind; can you read theirs?

    I think you will find that Somerset Management has opened a 2nd fund in Dublin which is not the same as moving their entire investment portfolio


    Somerset Management is an emerging markets investment management company.

    “We manage clients’ money - it's not our own money, it's clients’ money.”

    I assume that you like many forum members on here haven't moved there entire financial portfolio to Thailand and you know the reason why simple don't put all your eggs in one basket 

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Chartist said:

    Neither of you are British you're just sulky Europeans upset because your precious EU can't milk any more money from the British taxpayer, get over it you absolute losers. Try remedying the problems in your own countries, us Brits will be just fine without the EU poking it's nose into our business.Bye bye losers.

    Five EU countries ‘refuse’ to fill Brexit budget gap


  9. 1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

    May I remind you that the margin of victory for the leave camp was less than 2% ? May I also remind you that the UK isn't just England, and that Scotland and Nothern Ireland actually voted to remain (in Scotland even as high as 62% versus just 38% for leave). 


    What May is doing is damage control, you can't just leave like a spoiled child of course, you made commitments, and those commitments don't just magically disappear when you throw a tantrum. Now what May is trying to do is to cut a deal, so the effects of the brexit (which to the best of my knowledge is undisputed) will be lessened. Now you either accept that deal, or leave without the deal, either way re-negotiation is absolutely futile. 


    By the way, referring to people that might disagree with you as scum is neither respectful or wise. Certainly with the tiny margin we are talking about. In my view, that referendum should have a clear defined minimum margin. And less than 2% isn't a clear margin for such a far reaching decision. End of story. 

    For some people numbers don't matter how ever small winning the vote is all that matters

    Tony Blair: I steamrollered devolution for Wales

    but the Yes campaign victory in Wales was much closer - a majority of just under 7,000 (0.6%) of more than a million votes cast.





  10. 4 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    And neither were binding on parliament. I'm glad you understand that. Please explain to the other leavers. Parliament IS sovereign 

    Its sovereign so as long as it has the respect of the its voters as History has shown us in the past

    You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!


    A few honest men are better than numbers

    The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions; if they be willing faithfully to serve it – that satisfies. I advised you formerly to bear with men of different minds from yourself:


  11. 7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The poll you cited is ancient history. Here's a link to the results of a rather more recent poll:


    Funny isnt it the poll was comissioned and paid for by the People’s Vote campaign I yet to see any poll that publishes results that the group that commisioned and paid for doesn't agree with

    Don’t listen to the People’s Vote polling – most Labour members still back Jeremy Corbyn on Brexit
    While they may themselves be Europhiles who would like very much to remain in the EU, party members are also capable of understanding that pursuing this course would be a huge risk for the party in electoral terms



    More than half of Tories prefer 'no-deal' Brexit - poll


    • Like 1
  12. 22 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    In what way?


    Because they didn't roll over and immediately give us everything we wanted?

    Why 'Unfortunately?' Were you having second thoughts? Do you now regret voting leave?


    The truth is, maybe not for you but for many, is as I said above:

    That is obvious from so many posts from Brexiteers here and elsewhere and from conversations I have had with Brexiteers.

    I think you will find its the remainers not brexiteers that want to keep all the advantages of EU membership hence the uptake of Irish/German/French/and other EU countries new passport applications from remainers The Majority of leavers that I have spoken to with would have preferred if the Uk Goverment had  started working on a planned exit from Friday 24th June 2016, I know some that want to leave the very next day but most people understand that would have been impossible without major  disruption

    • Like 2
  13. 22 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    He is still an MEP, and will be until Brexit when he, like all other British MEPs, accepts his golden handshake and MEP pension (and who do you think will be paying for that? Wont be the EU!)


    He is also someone who has spent his entire political life since 1996  campaigning for the UK to leave the EU.


    So, having first backed the call for another referendum why did he change his mind? Simple; he can see that public opinion in the UK is swinging more and more towards Remain as the consequences of leaving become more and more apparent.



    This is just supposition from your part unless you have the ability to read Nigel mind which I very much doubt you have

  14. 34 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    If people sincerely believe that Brexit is the best future for this country, why would they boycott another referendum and so risk losing that?


    What is far more likely is that many people who voted Leave last time, having seen the actual future consequences of Brexit or realised their reasons for voting Leave actually have noting to do with the EU, will change their minds and so vote to remain.


    That is why ardent Brexiteers are so afraid of giving the people the, to quote @nontabury, 'Democratic' final choice; they fear losing.


    Even Farage was last year in favour of another referendum; until he realised his side would probably lose!

    Farage's call for second Brexit vote greeted with glee by remainers

    “Of course I don’t want one, we won a referendum and that should have been that. But I do not trust the sheer dishonesty of our political class,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.


    Farage is not in Goverment he not a MP his opinion has the same value as anyone else no more no less or should we listen to Tony Blair here 


    Blair: a no vote means no

    Tony Blair today suggested that he would not seek another referendum on the EU constitution if it was rejected by the British people.
    Under repeated questioning from reporters on whether the poll would be rerun if the answer came back negative, Mr Blair responded: "If the British people vote no, they vote no. You can't then start bringing it back until they vote yes.

    Today he said if Britain voted no he would have to go back to the European council and discuss the way forward.

    The PM said: "This is an issue which it is time for the British people to decide and let them have their say."

    He stressed: "If the British people vote no in this referendum, that is their verdict. That is absolutely clear."



    Tony Blair said yesterday that he would not call an immediate second referendum on Europe if the British people throw out the proposed EU constitution in the vote expected next year."



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